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分析了谐振腔的设计。And analyse the designment of syntonic cavity.

数字视音频远程实时监控系统正是在这种社会需求下应运而生的。This paper proposed a designment of a realtime remote digital video-audio surveillance system.

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正是“TOSELA”所想要创造给统统亚洲女性的新的时髦概念。"TOSELA" would like to credined on a repl_ designment sometimes belovedtiful concepts in Asia particular women !

6500耐受力极强的设计可以提供给客户及时的安全使用和第一流解决办法。The designment of PRA-PT-6500 with extremely strong tolerance can offer prompt safe handling and the first class solution to the customer.

本文着重阐述了当前设计、运行污水处理厂作好曝气池这篇文章的重要意义,并在短期的实际运行中取得了好效果。This article emphasized in the importance of adopting a new method in the aerator in the designment and operation of the sewage treatment plant.

阐述了电声换能器的设计理论与理想状态实现的困难与途径。It also points out the difficulties and methods of the designment theory of Electroacoustic Transducer and the realization of the ideal condition.

因此我设计了这套图书馆全开架借阅管理系统软件,希望为读者和管理者提供较为科学的,全面的服务。This issue make a management designment for this borrowing system based on reader, it could make more practical and integrated service for reader and manager.

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采用科学的人体工学设计,有效减轻了工作负担,手压式甩干操作,更轻松,更快捷的做家务。Adopting the designment of Ergonomics, can reduce substantially the workload, operating easily only by one hand , doing housework quickly, comfortable and more healthy.

然后,介绍了此系统数据库在叶根辅助造型模块上的应用,最后给出了所有功能模块操作流程,以及运行实例。Thirdly, application of system database on blade root assistant designment module. Finally, the operation process and running instance of all function modules is showed.

本论文的相关研究结果对实际工程中减振型无砟轨道的选型以及合理刚度设计具有参考价值。The research achievement of this article is of reference value for the type selection of low vibration track and stiffness designment in practical engineering application.

采用合适的胶凝材料、粗细骨料及外加剂,同时进行科学的生产施工是保证混凝土满足设计要求的重要途径。Using proper glue materials, aggregate materials, additive and scientific production construction are important methods that meet the requirement of designment of concrete.

系统稳定性高,测量准确,监控机软件功能全面,操作简单,达到了预期的设计目标。The monitoring software's function are all-side, its operation is simple, the human machine interaction interface is good. It achieved the anticipated designment requirements.

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探讨了诊断推理模块与数据库、知识库、算法库之间的结构设计,分析了各诊断模块的功能。The structure designment of diagnostic inference module, data base, knowledge base and algorithms library is discussed, and the function of each diagnostic module is analyzed.

蓝桥立志做中国技术水平最高的电镜配件公司,旨在分享我们在产品设计和生产制造方面的资源优势,并给客户提供高品质的电镜产品。BBMC aspire to become the top provider of EM accessory equipment in China, we would like to share our experience and resource of instrument designment and manufacture with consumer.

人们巴望扶植更多的医院、购物大旨、文娱大旨、电影院和其他公用设施来知足公民日益增加的需求。It is desirpl_ designment to cultivconsumed more hospitingsshopping centresrecre centrescinemas beside with other public fair conditioningilities to meet the growing needs of people.

本文展开对第三方支付平台监管问题的讨论,目的是对第三方支付有更清晰的认识,以促进对支付行业的关注和协调发展。However, though it does help the development of e-business, the third-party payment puts forward a new question for discussion to the designment of new market orders and the rule of operation.

详细介绍了系统从需求分析,逻辑设计,总体设计,详细设计以及系统测试、实施各阶段的主要内容和成果。The main contents and results of each step, such as requirement designment , logical designment , general designment and the testing and application steps, etc, are detailed with in this paper.

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我的研究在于为模型最优控制问题提供离散方案,进行误差估计以及设计快速求解算法。My research concentrates on discretization of model optimal control problem, development of the posteriori error estimator and designment of efficient solver for discrete optimal control problem.