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巴黎的每个人都有罪"a Paris tout le monde etait coupable."

他提到的人选包括CNN,纽约时报,世界报或国家报。He mentioned possible contenders such as CNN, the New York Times, Le Monde or El Pais.

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这一消息震惊了都柏林上流社会社交圈。His death sent shockwaves through the beau monde of Dublin's wealthy cocktail society.

长期以来,“互动世界报”就像一个生长在贵族家庭的私生子。Le Monde Interactif grew up feeling like the illegitimate offspring of a noble family.

世界医师联盟组织是一个在世界各地进行医疗救护计画的组织。Medecin de Monde is a medical relief organisation with healthcare projects around the world.

你可以看到复苏的一个左的政治文化,在庞大的销售世界报外交。You can see the revival of a left political culture in the huge sales of Le Monde Diplomatique.

但这个职位却需要在一些原则性问题上拥有话语权,例如印刷厂问题,世界报如何控制其数字出版。Such a job needs a say on essential matters such as the printing plant, or the way Le Monde controls its digital unit.

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巴黎的每个人都有罪","巴黎的每个人都有罪",一个行刑的刽子手如此喊道a Paris tout le monde etait coupable,"-- "in Paris everybody was guilty," shouted out one of the prosecutors as they shot men and women down.

英国卫报,美国纽约时报,德国明镜周刊以及法国世界报有幸一窥文件的庐山真面目,然而,没有人能够读到完整的信息。The Guardian, the New York Times, Der Spiegel and Le Monde were all given early sights of the documents, but nobody has been through the whole lot.

一名男子骑著摩托车经过世界医师联盟组织宣传爱滋病觉醒运动的横幅。A man rides his motorbike past a notice board promoting AIDS and HIV awareness campaigns by Medecin de Monde in Kpomasse near Cotonou November 28, 2007.

你这样造成了很大的伤害“,唐乔凡尼用意大利语回答道--我会翻译,但你们可以听一下--他说You do a great deal of harm, right," to which Don Giovanni replies in Italian--I'll translate it, but you can hear that--he says "ma, i tu tu on monde".

泰来斯酒庄的一大经典力作,在世界权威葡萄酒大赛中荣获众多奖项,包括法国的世界穗乐仙大赛、奥地利的维也纳国际葡萄酒大赛等等。A enormously flavorsome wine from Taylors, winning awards including Syrah du Monde in France and AWC Vienna International Wine Challenge in Austria, etc.

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双头控制下,世界报的数字化战略大体上由“互动世界报”的管理层以自己的方式运作,一切只是为了其自身的政治诉求和赢利考虑。With a dual ownership – largely played by MIA’s management for its own political ends – and a profitable operation, the digital arm of Le Monde operates in its own ways.

正举家迁往开普敦的巴尔夫妇表示,他们选中环球之旅公司是因为该公司保证将保留这座圆顶茅草屋的丰富历史遗迹。The Balls, who are moving to Cape Town, said they chose Voyageurs du Monde because of its commitment to preserving the rich heritage of the thatched-roof rondavel-style house.