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他现在正在努力地重返社会。He's now trying to reenter society.

她将重新报名参加托福考试。She was going to reenter for TOEFL.

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它的军队就会在我们的赞同下重新进入埃及。Its troops would reenter Egypt with our blessing.

航天飞机似乎即将重返大气层。It seemed that the space shuttle was about to reenter.

当需要保护隐私时,迫使用户重新输入凭证。Forcing users to reenter credentials whenever privacy is essential

请重新输入您的新密码以确保其正确性。Please reenter your new password for confirmation of its accuracy.

4月9日,保罗.聪格斯宣布退出了竞选队伍。On April 9, Paul Tsongas announced that he would not reenter the race.

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过一段时间之后,如果新换上的金丝雀安然无恙,矿工们又可以安全地重返矿井。After waiting a while, and with a fresh canary, the miners could safely reenter the mine.

替补队员没有数量限制。但是替补队员不能第二次上场参加比赛。There is an unlimited number of substitutes. But substituted players cannot reenter the game.

当线程等待监控锁进入或重新进入同步阻塞时会发生阻塞事件。Blocks occur when a thread is waiting for a monitor lock to enter or reenter a synchronized block.

因此,黑人要走上巴士前门先付车资,然后下车,走到巴士后门再上车。So blacks had to pay their fare at the front, exit the bus, and then walk outside to reenter at the rear door.

在第二台Mac上的用户库里删除Calendars保存的文件,然后打开终端,输入第二步里的命令。Delete the Calendars file from the User Library on your second Mac. Open Terminal and reenter the code from step 2.

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美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的高层大气研究卫星,简称UARS,预计将于九月末返回大气层。NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, is expected to reenter the atmosphere at the end of September.

用原来已经输入的数据预先填充表单,这样用户就不必重新输入每个数据项了。Pre-fill the form with data that was already entered, so the user doesn't have to reenter each and every data item.

在低空,轨道,无法维持太久,卫星会重新进入地球大气。At that low altitude, this orbit will not last very long, and the satellite will reenter into the Earth's atmosphere.

于是,这只蜻蜓俯冲到水面上并尝试再次进入水中,他尽了所有能力地去做,但是他无法回去了。So the dragonfly swooped down to the surface of the water and tried to reenter the water, but try as it would, it could not return.

输入的信息不正确。请进行检查并重新输入由“客户服务代表”提供的确认标识号。The information entered is incorrect. Please check and reenter the confirmation ID provided by the Customer Service Representative.

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被清退的人员有一次重新进入共产企业的机会,但是德能级别必须重新定级。People who have been expelled have one chance to reenter Communist enterprises, but their virtue-ability levels must be rated again.

中途退出合作项目或者因为不达要求被退出合作项目的学生不能重新加入项目。Students who drop out of the program or who were dropped due to unacceptable performances can not reenter the program at a later date.

我们必须保留资金,等MACD柱从第3个底再次上涨时再次进场,底部还要比第1个底部高。We must preserve our trading capital and reenter when MACD-Histogram ticks up from its third bottom, as long as it is higher than the first.