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我喜欢闲逛穿过熟悉的街道。I liked to meander through familiar streets.

他们通常下班后漫步到那家小酒店去。They usually meander down to the pub after work.

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他们河曲回奔波在一系列的曲线。They meander back and forth in a series of curves.

这个河曲形态和常见的简单河曲略有不同。This meander is slightly different from normal meander.

这是个遛弯散步的好去处。It's quite a nice area to just meander and just to walk around.

两个都柏林周边的醉鬼就像爱情海上的奥德修斯。Two drunkards meander around Dublin like Odysseus in the Aegean.

U型湖干掉后的曲流痕往往孕育出湿地。Wetlands often develop in the meander scars of dried-up oxbow lakes.

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观光客和本地人都会沿着塞纳河的河滨步道漫步。Visitors and locals alike meander along the sidewalks of the Seine River.

然后我款款走向新扫过的沙滩,和其他宾客一起去享用晚餐。Then I meander down to the freshly swept beach and join the others for dinner.

在金属薄片上焊接了改良的电阻导线,通常使用的是康铜导线。A resistance meander wire usually of constantan is welded onto a strip of foil.

麦尔喜欢沉思,试图在被称为生活的迷宫里漫步,就像中世纪的神秘人物——圣人奥古斯丁那样。Mell just loves to meditate, trying to meander through the maze that is called life.

踢开鞋子,赤脚走过柔软潮湿的青草地,享受一下放松之感.。Feel the relief when you kick off yor shoes and meander barefoot across soft, damp grass.

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二者共同作用导致黄河首曲流域草地与湿地生态与自然环境退化。Both caused deterioration of the grassland and wetland in the first meander of Yellow River.

不过他总算记住了一个曲流宽谷,而且是对着地图和大地记住了它。At least he had remembered "broad meander valley, " while looking at his map and the scenery.

另一方面,在城市绿化中创造出人们可以漫游和交流的“场所”。On the other hand, we also attempt to create the "place" where people can meander and communicate.

行人将通过地下商场区及移动步道来往于高架路之间。Pedestrians would meander through underground stores and moving streets between elevated highways.

湍急的河流从熔岩高地上飞流直下,蜿蜒流经无垠的原始森林地带。Turbulent rivers plunge from volcanic heights to meander through endless tracts of pristine jungle.

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鹿、牛和羊悠闲地在盐渍地舔食时,常常迫使正在行驶的上下山巴士停下来。Deer, cattle, and sheep often halt the buses' progress up or down the mountain as they meander to the salt licks.

焦虑的思想在你的脑海中四处漫流,纵横交错,但是对我的信靠使你直接进入我的同在。Anxious thoughts meander about and crisscross in your brain, but trusting Me brings you directly into My Presence.

我们只能每天只能在外面诳诳,欣赏春天盛开的鲜花寒冬过后准备盛开的花骨朵。We can just meander outside all day looking at spring blossoms and all the life bubbling over after a long winter.