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槐花比色法含量测定的原理是什么?What is the principle of the photometric assay of this drug?

旋转元件式椭圆偏振仪,是一种光度式椭偏仪。Rotating element ellipsometer is one of photometric ellipsometer.

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测光传感器是测定可见光谱中能量的仪表。Photometric sensors are devices that measure energy in the visible spectrum.

简评了光度滴定法的特点和发展前景。Advantages and Prospects of photometric titration have been briefly discussed.

照明辐射的照度通常是以光度为单位。Illuminance of illuminating radiation is always measured in photometric units.

通过光度与光谱证据,也许还能发现森林和草原的痕迹。There will be photometric and spectroscopic evidence for forests and savannahs.

采用火焰发射光谱法对人血清锂的定量测定进行了研究。A flame emission photometric method was described for quantitative analysis in serum lithium.

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给出一种测光资料的处理方法,并建议利用DCMT开展天文测光课题研究。A method of the photometric reduction is introduced. A photometric plan on the DCMT is proposed.

CCD测光观测中积分时间的选取,对测光结果的误差大小有很大影响。Integration time is important to error of photometrical results in CCD photometric and observation.

在这里,你可以设置一个有关参考星的天文测量和光度测量的误差值。In this section, you can set a limit to the astrometric and photometric residuals of the reference stars.

光度计的信噪比与信号强度的平方根粗略成…The photometric signal-to-noise ratio is roughly proportional to the square root of the signal intensity.

提出了一种基于光度立体视觉方法对织物进行三维表面重建。Based on photometric stereo, a new method is proposed for fabric 3-D surface reconstruction in this paper.

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总结实验的经验,我们发现测光过程也要对星像进行精确定心。Summing up the experimental experience, we find that a photometric procedure needs precise star centering.

用流通光度滴定法建立了测定多元络合物组成的快速方法。A flow-through photometric titrimetric method is established for the determination of complex of composition.

本文采用孔雀绿-醋酸丁酯萃取光度法测定成份复杂的阳极泥中的微量金。A method for photometric determination of trace Au is developed with malachite green-butyl acetate extraction.

采用不同光照条件下拍摄的多幅图像,利用光度立体技术对织物表面进行3D重建。A method for fabric 3D surface reconstruction based on photometric stereo images with different illumination is presented.

本文研究了聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺中氨端基的两种光度测定方法。Determination of amino-end groups in poly-para-phenylene terephthalamide PPTA has been studied with two photometric methods.

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针对摩托车前照灯配光性能检测,建立了软件系统的智能模型。The second, the paper build an intelligence model of motocycle headlight's photometric characteristics testing software system.

报道了用钨灯、滤光片、光电二极管自制的一种光电探头。In this paper, a home made photometric probe, which is made up of a tungsten lamp, filter and a silicon photodiode, is reported.

利用分光光度法对酸果蔓提取物的抗氧化活性进行了检测,并研究了在不同条件下提取物的稳定性。The antioxidative activity of cranberry extracts and its stability in different conditions were studied with photometric method.