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审问小黑狗!Interrogation little black dog!

审问一直持续到第二天早上。The interrogation lasted until the next morning.

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据报道,他们正在平壤接受审问。They are reportedly under interrogation in Pyongyang.

审讯室里有你怀疑最大的两个嫌疑犯。Your two prime suspects are in the interrogation room.

讯问笔录和询问笔录,是公安机关经常使用的法律文书。Interrogation and interview record is a kind of legal writing.

嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。The suspect is marched to the police station for interrogation.

嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation.

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我有没有通过那终极盘问的测试?迟点再告诉你吧。Did I pass the test, the final interrogation?I'll tell you later.

他正在接受的没完没了的审讯或许会告诉我们。Perhaps the endless interrogation he is now undergoing will tell.

杰克离开了审问室,快速地走到空无一人的走廊。Jack leaves the interrogation room and darts into an empty corridor.

在对话情景下都可单独成句,表达疑问。Both of them can form single-word questions and express interrogation.

他在这第一次审讯中为保卢斯拍摄了仅有的一张照片。He made the only known photo of Paulus during his first interrogation.

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在周二的讯问中,对一些问题,陈选择了避而不答。Under interrogation on Tuesday, Chen chose not to answer some questions.

杰克叫尼娜整理出一个审讯科菲尔的文件,在尼娜查找文件时,他静静地等待。Jack waits while he has Nina put together an interrogation file on Cofell.

刀锋抱着弥留的麦子,大声讯问西施终究是谁。Blade holding point of wheat, loudly interrogation xishi eventually is who.

刑事审讯是公安系统中最重要、最复杂、涉及范围最广的任务之一。Criminal interrogation is the most important and complex task of police system.

审讯活动是审讯人员与犯罪嫌疑人面对面的心理交锋,是一场心理战。Interrogation is a psywar between the police questioners and criminal suspects.

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这本备忘录还具体地提到了对祖巴耶达赫审讯时使用水刑的情况。It specifically refers to the interrogation of Zubaydah using the water technique.

在纽伦堡一次提审时,凯特尔元帅描述了她的形象。Field Marshal Keitel described her appearance during an interrogation at Nuremberg.

素食主义、动物保护主义禁不起理性的追问。Vegetarian principles and animal protectionism fail to stand rational interrogation.