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巴西和巴拉圭的图皮人的语言。Tupi people of Brazil and Paraguay.

世界杯上巴拉圭在点球大战中5比3击败日本。Paraguay beats Japan 5-3 on penalties at World Cup.

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儿童营养合作社,亚松森,巴拉圭。Children's nutrition cooperatives, Asuncion, Paraguay.

他们脱掉他们明天晚上对阵巴拉圭。They kick off their campaign against Paraguay tomorrow night.

运费付至布宜诺斯艾利斯,再转运到巴拉圭的亚松森。Freight prepaid to Buenos aires in transit to Asuncion Paraguay.

本届杯赛,巴西队被分到了C组,同组还有智利,哥斯达尼加和巴拉圭。Brazil have been drawn in Group C with Chile, Costa Rica and Paraguay.

印度、土耳其、巴拉圭和玻利维亚支持蒙古的豁免请求。India, Turkey, Paraguay and Bolivia supported Mongolia's waiver request.

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巴拉圭球迷的停顿后,巴拉圭亚松森失掉了7月3日到西班牙。A fan of Paraguay pauses after Paraguay lost to Spain in Asuncion July 3.

俞院长赠送军刀给巴国史托斯纳尔总统。Premier Yu presents a military sword to President Stroessner of Paraguay.

巴西在这个次级比赛中四次夺冠,巴拉圭夺冠一次。Brazil have won this tournament four times, with Paraguay winning it once.

巴拉圭亚拉松附近的一个宴会上,一名厨师正恪尽职守地做着检查工作。A chef checks his charge during preparations for a feast near Asuncion, Paraguay.

它是巴拉圭的一种本地药草,作为甜味剂已经使用几百年。It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener.

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中国是世界上甜菊的主要生产地,巴西、巴拉圭和印度的产量相对较少。China dominates world production, with smaller volumes in Brazil, Paraguay and India.

是一个沼泽区位于室内,南美洲之间,巴西,巴拉圭和玻利维亚。Is a swampy area in the interior of South America, between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

我们将会去考察星期日在巴拉圭开赛的南美20岁以下青年足球锦标赛。We'll have scouts in South America for the U20 championship that commences Sunday in Paraguay.

教宗方济各周日从巴拉圭回到了罗马。他在南美呆了一个星期。Pope Francis returned to Rome from Paraguay on Sunday. He had been in South America for a week.

马黛茶是一种像茶的饮料,主要消费地区是阿根廷、乌拉圭、巴拉圭和巴西南部。Mate is as tea-like beverage consumed mainly in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and southern Brazil.

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巴拉圭队鼓起勇气奋力拼争,可惜他们的努力没有收到回报。Paraguay can take heart from their battling display, though they had no reward for their efforts.

十年正值巴拉圭经济疲弱,感化院经费拮据、资源短缺。It was during the decade when the Paraguay economy was weak and the reformatory was out of budget.

他要竞选巴拉圭总统,改变社会的腐败现象。He wants to run for the Presidency of Paraguay and changes the corruptive phenomenon of the society.