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请自带洗浴用品。Please use your own toilette.

我可是用了“三宅一生”的淡香水呢!I use the eau de toilette from Issey Miyake!

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法国人,男人也好女人也好,早上要花两个小时梳洗打扮。French men and women take two hours over their morning toilette.

当人们走过她身边,她的全身衣着吐着青春的那种强烈香气。When one passed near her, her whole toilette exhaled a youthful and penetrating perfume.

清新辛香木香调香氛,演绎纯净现代的永恒魅力。淡香水喷雾。A fresh, spicy and woody fragrance. A pure and modern universe Eau de Toilette Natural Spray, 75 ml.

一旦你清楚了某公司的文化后,你才可以在早晨化妆时增加这些装饰。Once you know the culture of the company, then you can start to add these items to your morning toilette.

如果我们勉强为猴子穿上周公制定的礼服,猴子必定感到全身不舒服,非得将之撕的粉碎而后快。If we dress monkey by force with grand toilette that is constituted by Emperor of Zhou, the monkey must be unrestful and tear it into pieces.

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香水和古龙谁在技术术语层面上是不同的,同样,淡香水与香水也是不一样的。Perfumes and colognes are different when it comes down to the technical terminology. An eau de toilette is not the same as a perfume or an eau de parfum.

她匆匆忙忙离开府邸,作她那没有意料到的伦敦之行,整套闪闪发光的梳妆用具散乱地放在大理石梳妆台上。She had left the house in a hurry on her unlooked -for journey to London, and the whole of her glittering toilette apparatus lay about on the marble dressing-table.

我们当中有些人最后还是把药片吐了,我的兄弟桑德罗建议我说如果我不想吃药,去跑到厕所把它吐掉。Some of us would eventually spit them. It was my brother Sandro that suggested me that if I had no intention of taking them, to just run to the toilette and spit them.

由于事先并不知道这个消息,那个主持人盛装打扮进入了化妆间非常高心地等着继续排练。Not having got any announcement for this in advance, that moderator came to the making-up room with her grand toilette cheerfully to wait for continuing with the rehearsals.

大家知道,气味可以调节人的情绪、想法,甚至是约会决定,这也就是为什么任何浪漫的人晚上在到城里赴约去时总要喷上点香水。Odours are known to regulate moods, thoughts and even dating decisions, which is why any serious romantic will throw on the eau de toilette before going out for a night on the town.