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你给那侍者小费没有?Did you tip the waiter?

不要忘了给跑堂小费。Don't forget the waiter.

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那个服务生太没礼貌了!That waiter was so rude!

服务员很没有礼貌。Your waiter is impolite.

那侍者掉了一把叉子。The waiter dropped a fork.

她向侍者招手。She motioned to the waiter.

他被侍者敲了一笔竹杠。He was soaked by the waiter.

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我向男服务员要菜单。I ask the waiter for a menu.

那个男服务员在一家宾馆上班。The waiter works in a hotel.

服务员清除桌上的面包屑。The waiter crumbed the table.

房间由服务员打扫。The room was sweeped by waiter.

服务员把一碟菜端了上来。The waiter brought the dish on.

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"来一小杯,"那个侍者说。"A little cup," said the waiter.

那笨拙的侍者把汤泼了。The clumsy waiter spilt the soup.

侍者给他们送来一大张意式馅饼。The waiter brought a large pizza.

侍者静悄悄地走到桌旁。The waiter ghosted up to the table.

服务员把下一碟菜端了上来。The waiter brought up the next dish.

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侍者为他们取来了一些苹果。The waiter fetched them some apples.

你知道,我最早开始时做服务生。You know, I started off as a waiter.

大炮对准一个确定的目标。The drunk man cannoned into a waiter.