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标题很愚蠢。Foolish headline.

为什么我们这么愚蠢呢?But why are we so foolish?

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现在,你难道不觉得自己很蠢吗?Now, don'tyou feel foolish?

我曾经放荡不羁,愚不可及。I have been wild and foolish.

他是个真正的笨伯。He is a really foolish fellow.

赌马是愚蠢的。It's foolish to bet on horses.

他单独去未免太傻了。It's foolish of him to go alone.

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任由他去做愚蠢的梦好了。Leave him to his foolish dreams.

我难道是一把那种愚蠢可笑的宝刀?Am i one of those foolish blades ?

他穿着红裤子看上去真可笑。He looked foolish in his red pants.

愚人常被希望骗。Hope often deludes the foolish man.

说句实话,人类真是愚蠢至极。In truth, man is incurably foolish.

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胡乱花费使他破产。Foolish expenditures bankrupted him.

结束你那愚蠢的诡辩。Have done with your foolish sophism.

约翰突然说了一句傻话。John came out with a foolish remark.

奔腾万岁,纸笔累赘。Pentium wise, pen and paper foolish.

他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。They all jeer at the foolish speaker.

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你说话像愚顽的妇人一样。You are talking like a foolish woman.

宁作聪明的傻子,不作愚蠢的聪明人。Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

他的脑子里塞满了可笑的想法。His mind is lumbered with foolish ideas.