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每当出现问题时,卫生管理协会就去寻求克林顿先生的帮助。Whenever trouble appeared, HMA asked for Mr. Clinton's help.

结论异双体动态分析法是一个快速,简单,准确的方法。Conclusion HMA is a rapid, simple and accurate method to detect mixed infection.

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在美国,有三种很常见的热拌沥青混合料混合类型。This section covers three of the more common types of HMA mix types used in the U.

随后,将新型代价模型集成到基于HMA的网格资源调度系统中。In succession, the new cost model is integrated into the HMA grid resource scheduling system.

试验结果表明,车辙板的试验条件对沥青混合料的高温抗车辙性能有很大的影响。The results show that the test conditions have significant effect on HMA high temperature performance.

因此,人们研究出了环保功能较好、能耗低的新型沥青路面混合料。Therefore, a new environment-protecting and energy-saving product is developed to fetch up the shortages of HMA.

相比之下,这个州的警察调查发现只有少数的健康管理协会的雇员正在进行一个短时间的投机操作。In contrast, the state police investigation found only that a few HMA employees had been running a small-time gambling operation.

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CRCP加HMA加铺层路面结构以其良好的整体性、耐久性和行车舒适性,在道路铺装中得到了广泛的应用。Because of the well integrity, durability and easiness provided by CRCP with HMA overlay, it was widely used in Pavement Engineering.

我国评价沥青混合料的高温抗车辙能力一般采用车辙板试验,试验指标采用动稳定度。Dynamic stability test is the main method to evaluate HMA high temperature performance with test index to indicate dynamic stability.

本文从沥青混合料的结构形态入手,利用体积法,对骨架密实结构类型沥青混合料的级配进行了系统的研究,并提出了推荐级配及间断级配的设计方法。This paper focus on gap-graded asphalt mixtures. Aggregate grading of the gap-graded HMA was designed by means of Void Design Procedure.

结果显示,在沥青路面施工过程中,红外热像仪是一种直观有效的检测工具。The results indicate that infrared thermographic imaging is a visual and effective instrumentality of temperature monitoring in HMA paving.

大量的工程实践证明,沥青混合料的级配离析是造成沥青路面早期损坏的一个重要原因。Large engineering practices have proved that the gradation segregation of HMA is an important reason to cause early damage to asphalt pavement.

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为了提高旧水泥混凝土路面的承载能力和防止出现反射裂缝,用热拌沥青混凝土罩面层并设置SAMI层的修补技术常被使用。To improve the bearing capacity of old cement concrete pavement and prevent reflective cracking, HMA overlay with SAMI has been used in some highways.

理论分析也认为混合料泊松比是温度和应力状态的函数,验证了试验测试结果。The theoretical study also shows that HMA Poisson's ratio becomes the function of temperature and stress at high temperature of large load, and validates the test results.