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他成了一位流亡者。He was an exile.

他在这儿充军。He lived there in exile.

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这指的是驱逐。This is a reference to exile.

他遭流放是进了活地狱。He had been five years in exile.

他遭流放是进了活地狱。Exile was for him a living death.

拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛的时间很短。Napoleon's exile to Elba was brief.

他被判处终身流放。He was condemned to life-long exile.

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从流徙和羞辱中拯救我们。Rescue us from exile and humiliation.

拿破仑1821年死于流亡中,时年51.Napoleon died in exile in 1821 aged 51.

就象哈菲兹,在爱的路上被放逐。An exile in the way Of love, like Hafiz.

政府对违法乱纪者实施流放。The government sent lawbreakers into exile.

1992年初,奥萨马流亡苏丹。He lived in exile in Sudan beginning in 1992.

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昏庸的楚王为什么把屈原流放了?Why did the fatuous King send him into exile?

以色列人被放逐在巴比伦。The Israelites are sitting in exile in Babylon.

每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。Every man is king, and most people die in exile.

背井离乡的德国犹太裔文学经典重归故里German-Jewish Literary Culture Returns from Exile

到头来他会背井离乡,在自助食堂里洗碗碟。He'd end up an exile washing dishes at the automat.

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马巴胡赫在大马士革流亡多年。Al-Mabhouh has lived in exile in Damascus for years.

每个人生来都是臣王,但小少数在逃亡外死去。Everyone is born king, and most people die in exile.

哦,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化的流亡者!O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!