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据媒体报道,Meng在亚岗昆学院学习计算机。Media reports said Meng studied computers at Algonquin College.

一位警察透露,这两位失踪者分别在卡尔顿大学和亚港昆学院读书。A police report said the missing men were studying at Algonquin and Carleton University.

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我们在加拿大安大略省的阿尔冈琴公园相识,那时我们是辅导员,正在那里野营。We met in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada when we were counselors at summer camps there.

如果你走访加拿大安大略省的阿冈奎省立公园,可能会听到凄切寂寞的狼嗥。If you visit Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, you may hear the high, lonesome howls of wolves.

在1620年曼哈顿岛最初被荷兰人发现的时候,印第安人最先用了这个名字。Manhattan was the nickname used by the Algonquin Indians when the island was first settled by the Dutch in the 1620s.

阳光把阿冈昆和赖特的山肩照耀得斑斑点点,它们是40多座所谓超越4,000英尺以上高峰中的两座。Sunlight dapples the shoulders of Algonquin and Wright, two of the more than 40 so-called HighPeaks that rise above 4,000 feet.

包括天然气提供商阿拉贡丁天然气传输公司,工厂涡轮机提供商西马能源集团。Algonquin Gas Transmission was listed as the gas supplier, and the plant’s turbines were manufactured by Siemens Power Generation.

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肇东苜蓿和敖汉苜蓿越冬率极显著高于和平苜蓿和阿尔冈金苜蓿。Overwintering rates of Zhaodong alfalfa and Aohan alfalfa were significantly higher than that of Algonquin alfalfa and Peace alfalfa.

美国原住民阿尔冈琴人的版本则是一个相貌粗糙的女孩,因为她善良的心地和美好的内心世界而赢得了一个无形的武士灵魂的爱情。The Algonquin Native American version is about Rough-Face Girl, whose kindness and inner beauty win the love of an invisible warrior spirit.

综合评价各品种,和本地品种敖汉苜蓿最接近的是阿尔冈金,其次是WL—232HQ、WL—323、苜蓿王、WL—414、猎人河。Evaluated various alfalfa varieties synthetically, character of Algonquin was the same as Aohan, the next was WL-232HQ, WL-323, Emperor, WL-414, Hunterriver.

紫花苜蓿根系水导与光合参数在复水后的恢复程度说明,紫花苜蓿对干旱逆境的抵御与适应能力相对较弱,但陇东苜蓿对水分胁迫的忍耐能力强于阿尔冈金。The extent of Lpr recovery and the photosynthetic parameters suggested that the tolerance of water stress in alfalfa was weak, while that of Longdong was stronger than Algonquin.

他们辩称灰狼仅生活在北美西部,阿冈奎省立公园里的狼是另一种狼,应该再一次将牠们命名为东部森林狼。They argue that gray wolves only live in western North America. The wolves of Algonquin Provincial Park belong to a separate species, which they want to call C. lycaon once more.

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Menotomy村,急流或SWIFT水阿冈昆字,后来被命名为阿灵顿,在1635年落户该地区拥有丰富的历史,其中包括保罗尊敬的著名骑的一部分。Settled in 1635 as Menotomy Village, an Algonquin word for rapids or swift water, and later named Arlington, the area has a rich history that includes part of Paul Revere's famous ride.