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这是十足的无赖作风。This is flat knavery.

欺诈可能有用,老实却是上策。Knavery may serve but honesty is best.

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欺诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。Knavery may serve,but honesty is best.

欺诈也许有用,但诚实却是上策。Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.

欺诈可能得计,但诚实总是上策。Knavery may serve, but honesty is best.

棍骗也许且自有用,诚实却永远有用。Knavery may serve a turn, but honesty never fails.

诚实也许很昂贵,但决不会是廉价劣货。Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best at the long run.

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瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

欺诈也许能得逞一时,诚实却能长存万世。Knavery may serve for a turn , but honesty is best at the long run.

这个人是诈骗犯在巴黎演出大型戏剧时的化装人。This creature was the costumer of the immense drama which knavery plays in Paris.

报告常常是虚假的,而由一个恶棍为掩饰自己的恶行而作的报告,则永远是虚假的。Reports are often false, and always false when made by a knave to cloak his knavery.

一个最卑鄙的被遗弃的男孩,应该很清楚在这样一艘船上的流氓行为。A most vile and derelict boy you must be to know so much of knavery aboard a boat such as this.

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这些是无赖常用的策略,装出认识一个不相识的人。It is always a good bit of tactics in knavery to pretend to recognize some one whom one does not know.