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你买婴儿床了吗?Have you bought a crib yet?

请将孩子放入童床。Please lay a child in the crib.

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请勿连接在童床或游戏围栏上。Do not attach to crib or playpen.

我月子里是在小床上睡的。I was in crib when I was just born.

玛丽把婴儿放在有围栏的童床上。Mary deposited the baby in the crib.

屋子中间放着一张婴儿床。In the middle of the room, was a crib.

他们把一只活的泰迪熊放在我的婴儿床上。They put a live teddy bear in my crib.

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这张小床可以拆开,便于存放。This crib takes apart for easy storage.

她把婴儿裹好放在婴儿床里小睡一会儿。She tuck the baby in his crib for a nap.

她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿。She tucked the baby in his crib for a nap.

警方突袭了在第四大街的一个贼窝。The police busted a crib over on 4th Street.

埃斯抱起邦尼把她放在小床里。Ace picked Bonnie up and set her in the crib.

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抱起往真甘愿批准。爸爸、妈妈支的瑰丽婴女床。So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad.

母亲又将婴儿放回到童床上。The mother laid the baby back again in the crib.

乔乔设计圆点瓢虫婴儿床床上用品系列。" Jojo " design point ladybug crib bedding series.

自从婴儿死去以来,她父亲还从没叫过他艾米。Her father had not called her Amy since the crib death.

那时候自然比现在小得多啦,正在她的婴儿床里打盹呢。Nyah, much smaller then, dozing in her crib by the bed.

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我们用帘子遮掉房间的一部分,把小人床放在那儿。We curtained off part of the room and put the crib there.

保罗想在考试中夹带小抄作弊。Paul tried to cheat on his test by sneaking in a crib card.

生命不过是从一张床流浪到另外一张床。Life is a merely a sleepwalk from the crib towards the deathbed.