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他是个军官学校学生。He is a cadet.

尼古拉斯是海军学校的一名新学员。Nicholas is a new cadet.

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I1050幼兽队少年割草机甲板部分。I1050 Cub "Cadet" mower parts deck.

她的男朋友是西点军校的一名军校生。Her boyfriend is a cadet of West Point.

1850年当新生来到这里的时候是如何被迎接的?How were new cadet greeted here in the 1850's?

少年团指军校中的学生。A cadet refers to a student in a military academy.

他的答案是学记。今年完全放弃童军?His answer is cadet reporter and this year totally give up scout?

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日美海军军校学员美国护士,凯福田,Manzanar系列。Japanese-American US Naval cadet nurse, Kay Fukuda, Manzanar Series.

边区当局将他送进军政大学学习。The authorities sent him to the military academy for study as a cadet.

我记得在我赢得英国卡丁车锦标赛初级组冠军的时候,他来对我说话。I remember him coming to speak to me after I won the Cadet Championship.

纪念封设计表现了一个初学者在她首次单飞后受到祝贺。The design shows a cadet being congratulated after her first solo flight.

在海军军官学校学生办公室,他在刻度—静止的三磅上踏去。At the Navy Cadet Office he stepped on the scale—still three pounds to go.

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若一个学员网球队的球员在比赛中猛掷墙球,他将被踢除出队。A cadet tennis squad player who hurls his racquet in a match is off the team.

凯利是纽约市警察局中唯一一个从警察学院学生成为警长的人。Mr. Kelly is the only person in the NYPD to go from police cadet to commissioner.

在前18天里面,大多数的基本训练都在学员区域中展开。During the first 18 days, most of the basic training takes place within the cadet area.

目的探讨军校学员鼻骨骨折的简便有效诊治方法。Objective Discussion on cadet nasal bone fracture in simple effective diagnosis method.

放下第1号救生艇,在二副负责下救助一名淹溺中的实习生。Lowered down No. 1 lifeboat, saved a drowning cadet under the command of the 2nd officer.

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那些从拉兹马克学员学院被劫持的学员是在贾尼海勒区被绑架的。The cadets who were hijacked from Razmak Cadet College, they were kidnapped from Jani Khel.

录像拍摄于哈里王子在桑赫斯特军事学院做学生时期。The video reportedly shows Harry while still an officer cadet at Sandhurst military academy.

这位25岁的博客名字叫“阿蛋”的女警官,从2007年开始作为一位学员开始培训。The 25-year-old who uses the nickname "Ah Egg" in her blog, started training as a cadet in 2007.