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如果有人为我泪如雨下。If has artificial me to weep copiously.

大量使用颜色,图形、符号。Use colors, drawings and symbols copiously.

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当它仍然被高地充分包围的时候,伊甸园固有的位置很少会下雨。While it rained copiously on the surrounding highlands , it seldom rained in Eden proper.

刺一下,它会象征性地出一点血,而其他经济体都在大出血。Prick it, and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously.

刺一下,它会象征性地出一点血,而其他经济体都在大出血。Prick it, and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously.

这条组织完善,统一的课程丰富地被说明,丰富地被相互参照和充分地被标注。This well-organized, unified course is copiously illustrated, amply cross-referenced, and fully indexed.

因为苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基础下未不再被该作常用的攻腐剂了。Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic have been copiously dwascontinued.

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有一个人半年没有吃鸡,看见了鸡毛帚就流涎三尺。Men who have gone half a year without eating chicken will start drooling copiously at the sight of even a feather duster.

骺-干骺区的血液供应丰富,由来自周围穿入的骺-干骺血管和滋养动脉分布。The epiphyseal-metaphyseal regions are copiously supplied by vessels entering from the periphery and by the nutrient artery.

乳胶漆施工时,要注意保护眼睛,万一溅人眼睛,立即用大量清水冲洗,并去医院检查。Take card of eyes when using, If contacted with eye, flush copiously with clean, fresh water immediately and seek medical advice.

一边说还一边打起了哆嗦,我望着父亲消失在雨中的背影,热泪也跟着夺眶而出。On the one hand said that also on the other hand hit has trembled, I looked at the father to vanish in the rain back, the tears with am also flowing copiously.

党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,能够引经据典,充分。Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies.