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本文讨论的是租赁权的性质问题。The treatise discusses the nature of leasehold.

文章进一步论述租赁权在物权性方面的权利归属。The right to the lesser of leasehold is restricted.

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如今,改革要求所有的租赁权以公开拍卖的形式出售。Reforms now require all leasehold rights be sold at public auction.

此外,经理部还从事工程方面重型设备的租赁业务。The Company also deals in leasehold business of heavy-duty equipment.

转租与租赁转让、租赁权让与应加以区分。Sublet, transfer of lease and transfer of leasehold should be distinguished.

不动产租赁权是用益物权,是传统民法上之地上权和准物权。The leasehold of real estate is the usufruct and special real right in China.

其次,土地所有权与使用权分离,实行一次性的土地批租制。Secondly, separation of land ownership and right to use, one-off leasehold of land.

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租赁权的法律性质应当是用益物权性质。The legal nature of leasehold droits should be considered as beneficial right in rem.

承认房屋租赁权一定程度的物权化效力是各国的通行做法。Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree.

第三部分对光船租赁权登记的相关问题进行阐述。The third chapter discusses related problems about the registration of Bareboat Leasehold.

知识产权产品著作权中的出租权客体是作品,而非载体。The objects of leasehold in the intellectual product copyright are works themselves, not the carriers.

“物权二元结构论”清楚地剖析了租赁权的法律关系。But the theory of dualistic framework of property explane the legal relation of the leasehold explicitly.

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租赁权的出售被看作是腐败的主要场所,由此引发了近年来的一系列改革。Leasehold sales are viewed as a major venue for corruption, prompting a number of reforms over the years.

房屋租赁是指房屋所有人作为出租人将其房屋出租给承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行为。The house leasing means the owner gives it's leasehold to renter and renter pay the rental toward the ower.

乙在租赁期满后如需退租或续租,应提前两个月通知甲,由双另行协商退租或续租事宜。Within two months before the contract expires , Party B notify Party A if it intends to extend the leasehold.

金喜善扮演曾令东硕伤心的初恋情人、借贷公司职员车海嫒。Jin Xishan acts Ai of sea of car of employee of the first love lover that ever made Dong Shuo sad, leasehold company.

房地产抵押权的实行要受在先存在的优先权与租赁权的制约。The implementation of the hypothec of the real estate should be limited by priority and leasehold that formerly exist.

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如果回报是好的,而运营成本在建筑20年租期内行得通的话,我们就继续。If the payback was good, and operating costs made sense in the building and the leasehold of 20 years, we moved forward.

无形资产是企业拥有的非流动性的资产,例如版权、特许权、信誉、专利权和租赁权。Intangible assets are non-current items owned by business, such as a copyright, franchise, goodwill, patents, and leasehold.

企业实行设备租赁制以后加强机务成本管理的几项有效措施。Discussion is made on how to take measures to strengthen the cost management in maintenance by carrying about leasehold system.