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我弟弟你们的阿訇怎么说?My brother What does your Imam say?

纳希和本地清真寺的阿訇在玩西洋双陆棋。Naci was playing backgammon with the imam from the local mosque.

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在罗利市的这个清真寺里,阿訇萨迈赫·阿萨尔在宣讲慈善。Inside the one in Raleigh, Imam Sameh Asal preaches about charity.

他安葬在伊斯坦布尔的乌斯库达,挨着伊玛目沙米尔的家。He was buried in Istanbul, near the family of Imam Shamil, in Uskudar.

星期六的袭击在那所圣祠和圣父阿訇圣祠附近发生。Saturday's attack occurred near that shrine and the Imam Abbas shrine.

同时,它又对尼采的思想与创作构思有所疏离。Moreover, Imam Sa's Quotations also alienates from Nietzsche's thoughts.

但纽约伊玛目拉乌夫否认有任何会面计划。But the New York cleric, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, has denied any such meeting.

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这条道路附近的开始最近建成的什叶派圣殿的伊玛目Zadr卡西姆。This road began near the recently built Shi'ite sanctuary of Imam Zadr Qasem.

“我们为每个人提供伙食,无论男女老少,”这位埃及伊玛目告诉伊斯兰在线。"We are catering for everyone, women, youth and elders, " the Egyptian-born imam told IOL.

我诚意为主,跟从领导者,进行两拜开斋节拜。For Allah, I determine to perform two rakaats of the Eid-ul-Fitr Prayer following the Imam.

周五在开罗的人,'统一清真寺祈祷中午以前是由国家任命的伊玛目领导。Friday noon prayer at the al-Tawhid mosque in Cairo used to be led by a state-appointed imam.

艺术节悼念伊玛目侯赛因是先知穆罕默德的孙子,7世纪死亡。The festival mourns the 7th Century death of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

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就像土耳其的许多宗教领袖一样,伊玛目在周五祈祷时推崇女童的教育。Like many religious leaders in Turkey, the imam promotes girls’ education during Friday prayers.

巴黎清真寺的教长培训项目主管塞迪奇同意这种观点。Djelloul Seddiki, the director of the Al Ghazali imam training program at the Paris mosque agrees.

不过,伊玛表示,美国大部分的伊斯兰教师都在其他国家接受培训。But the imam says most of the teachers of Islam in America received their training in other countries.

琼斯牧师星期五告诉美国媒体,他计划在周六与纽约伊玛目会面。The Reverend Terry Jones told U.S. media Friday that he is planning to meet with the imam on Saturday.

垃圾场的常驻伊玛目和他的11名小孩住在一个由垃圾中捡来的材料建造的房子。The tip's resident imam lives with his 11 children in a house made of materials scavenged from rubbish.

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礼拜堂能够感化少量居民皈依伊斯兰教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度,同时还可招募伊玛目。Masjid converts a small percentage of the region to Islam, improves happiness, and allows the Imam agent.

什叶派穆斯林朝圣者在伊玛目穆萨基地卡齐姆圣地祈祷在巴格达的卡迪米亚区2010年7月7日。Shi'ite pilgrims pray at the Shrine of Imam Moussa al-Kadhim in Baghdad's Kadhimiya district July 7, 2010.

官员称,此次爆炸的目标可能是逊尼派教长,因为他以前曾公开表示反对基地组织。Officials said the Sunni Imam may have been targeted because he had previously spoken out against al-Qaeda.