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化学?人类学?Chemistry? Anthropology?

她是人类学选课指导教师。She's course tutor in anthropology.

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人类学研究人类。And Anthropology is the study of man.

我的专业是语言学和人类学。My major is Linguistics and Anthropology.

他人类学的专门知识无人能比。His expertise in anthropology is second to none.

人本学是费尔巴哈哲学的核心。Anthropology is the core of Feuerbach's philosophy.

医学人类学是一门新兴交叉学科。Medical anthropology is a new intersectional subject.

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对他的批评他与人类学学位,在杰里米比德尔。To his critics he's Jeremy Beadle with a degree in anthropology.

从语源学上讲,人类学是研究人的科学。From the etymology speaking, anthropology is the study of science.

人类学和神经学也起着不大,但越来越重要的作用。Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences.

现在毫无疑问这是一个关于古典人类学的可疑学说。Now without doubt this is a dubious theory of classical anthropology.

在当代文化人类学研究领域,格尔兹是颇具影响力的一位人物。Geertz is famous in the fields of contemporary culture of anthropology.

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格尔茨的扛鼎之作,也是阐释人类学理论流派的奠基之作。The book is also a laying-foundation work to interpretive anthropology.

邰蒂在剑桥大学获得社会人文学博士学位。Gillian Tett has a PhD in social anthropology from Cambridge University.

诗歌具有哲学和人类学的思想高度。His pocus are of a high level of thought in philosophy and anthropology.

文学人类学是一门新兴学科,也是一门交叉学科。Literary anthropology is a new subject as well as an overlapping subject.

伊丽莎白•安吉尔目前是哥伦比亚大学人类学博士研究生。Elizabeth Angell is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University.

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结构语言学催生了施特劳斯的结构人类学。Structural linguistics gave rise to Levi-Strauss's structural anthropology.

1904年,她成为了罗马大学人类学教授。In 1904, she was made a professor of anthropology at the University of Rome.

历史人类学在中国有着广泛的应用前景。Hitorical anthropology promises a bright future of wide application in China.