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贪婪使他变得冷酷无情。Greediness indurated his heart.

他责骂她的贪婪。He blamed her for her greediness.

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可以说贪心是一切罪恶的根源。It can be said that greediness is the root of all evil.

使民众去除追求个体贪欲的智能机巧。Let people always act without human stategy or greediness.

中国将亡,他们的贪婪比天还要高。Chinas day is numbered, his greediness exceed as high as the sky.

从社会方面,月亮石作为一块试金石,用来反应人类的贪婪。Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness.

经常路过冰淇淋店时我都会嘴馋,但我要控制好我自己。I often feel greediness when I pass the ice cream shop, but I have to control myself.

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我想,罚孩子不吃甜馅饼,只能增强他们的贪欲。I believe that punishing them by depriving them of sweet things only develops greediness.

贪婪让他们头脑发昏不能意识到自己正被欺骗。Greediness had made them loose their minds and not see the obviousness of the trick being played on them.

他说,有些党和政府的官员“现在已经贪婪到几近毫无道理的地步。”Some government and Communist Party officials, he said, are “now on the brink of unreasonable greediness.

你可以看到,在管理别人的钱财时,必须要避免贪财。And you can see particularly in this case that greediness must beavoided in handling other people's money.

加在石头上的诅咒只是对人类贪婪自然倾向的诅咒。The curse upon the stone is nothing more than the curse on the natural tendency for the greediness of man.

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理解贪婪与懒惰的区别是运用高级正则表达式的基础。Differentiating between greediness and laziness is key to fully understanding advanced regular expressions.

所以,是精英的错误判断导致了美国的赤字,而非一个普通人的贪婪。So it was the bad judgment of the elite, not the greediness of the common man, that caused America’s deficit.

你是那地狱的麻药,充满诱惑和吸引力,刺激着我们的贪婪、索求、激情和欲望。You are the drug of the hell, tempting and seductive, stimulating our greediness , demand, passion and desire.

你会在某一时期不由自主地贪吃,有的时候你又热衷于一口一口地慢吃。Your greediness is here causes some and you will have facilities to detach you from certain manias of nibbling.

假如不道德、不纯净或贪婪等污染了我们的生活,我们就是在生活中拜了假神。If immorality, impurity, or greediness consistently colour our living, we are setting up false gods in our lives.

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佛教具有独特的生态观,认为生态环境恶化的根源是贪、嗔、痴三毒。Buddhism regards the human's greediness hatred and ignorance as the root of the deterioration of ecological environment.

但商人身上所存在的传统劣根性,比如贪婪,与以往有怎样的不同,也是值得我们分析的。But they also have their deep-rooted weaknesses, such as greediness , which are different from former and valuable to analyse.

由于偶然的一次贪婪的欲望,他堕落成为一个赌棍,毁灭了整个家庭。It was this primising young man , due to a very little bit of greediness , he turned himself into a gamester and ruined his family.