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这个阳光充裕的无树平原不产食物。The sunny savanna yields no food.

肯尼亚热带草原上,一头成年雄狮正在草丛里休息。A mature male lion rests in the grasses of the Kenyan savanna.

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在巴西的潘塔纳尔稀树草原上,生活着一种体态较大的美洲驼鸟。Greater rheas graze in the tall savanna grass of Brazil's Pantanal.

州里似乎有关于稀树大草原多种花色鲜明植物的早期记录。Seems like there were early records of savanna blazing star in the state.

背着夕阳,一只冠鹤正在非洲大草原上觅食,它又称为灰色的丹顶鹤。Backlit by the setting sun, a crested crane forages in the African savanna.

玩家只是在热带草原上观察野生动物,然后拍些虚拟照片。Players simply observe wild animals in the savanna and take virtual photos.

热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs.

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一种观点认为,非洲的气候变得干燥起来,驱赶他们离开森林进入热带草原。One holds that the African climate dried out and forests turned into savanna.

在辽阔开放的热带草原上,小猎豹可以凭藉身上蓬松的灰色毛皮隐藏在长长的草丛中。A fluffy gray mantle and patches of tall grass help a cub hide on the open savanna.

在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲,一只猎豹正在一座白蚁冢上俯瞰着草原。A cheetah surveys the savanna from atop a termite mound in Botswana's Okavango Delta.

就生物多样性而言,它的重要性甚至超过了非洲的热带草原,拉卡达说。In terms of diversity it is even more important than Africa's savanna , said Lacerda.

我叫多培尔,十一岁了,住在坦桑尼亚热带草原的中心。I'm eleven years old and I live in 1 Tanzania , in the heart of the African 2 savanna.

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烧火不但可以使草原肥沃起来,而且还能防止木本植物侵入草原。Burns keep the grassland fertile and prevent woody plants from encroaching on the savanna.

概述了澳大利亚对稀树草原的合理利用与保护措施。The experience of proper utilization and protection of savanna in Australia was also briefed.

上图是一只南非鼠耳蝠,是一种在相对普遍的热带稀树草原物种,广泛分布于非洲。This is Myotis tricolor, a relatively common savanna species that is widespread across Africa.

这可能是热带稀树大草原的星形花植物,可是这里没有热带稀树大草原,那么,它就不可能是那种植物。It could be a savanna blazing star , but there aren't any savannas here, so it couldn't be that.

短尾雕分布于非洲撒哈拉以南的稀树草原和开阔林地区域。The Bateleur occurs throughout the savanna and open woodland regions of Africa south of the Sahara.

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金合欢生长在热带稀树大草原中大象常出没的地区,很容易被吃掉。On the savanna , acacia trees growing in regions that get a lot of elephant traffic tend to get eaten.

在布达佩斯动物园和植物园显示包括非洲稀树草原和北极地区。The displays at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden include the African savanna and the Arctic area.

在坦桑尼亚的塞伦吉地国家公园里,一只金色的狮子和它的孩子正沐浴在热带大草原温暖的阳光中。A golden lioness and her cub bask in the warmth of a savanna sun in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park.