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这河堤是匆匆筑成的。An embankment has been thrown up.

经过Temple和Embankment地铁站,With Temple and Embankment stations,

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我们沿着泰晤士河的堤岸散步。We walked along the Thames embankment.

他跑上路堤向铁路线奔去。He ran up the embankment to the railway.

他跑上路堤向铁路线奔去。He ran up the embankment to the railway.

堤岸被冲毁。The embankment was destroyed by rush of waters.

桥被一个高堤挡住了。The structure is sheltered by a high embankment.

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看,昆明湖旁围着长长地堤岸。Look, Kunming lake surrounded by long embankment.

皮特保罗堡垒和皇宫岸堤。The Peter and Paul Fortress and the Palace Embankment.

我们随着观潮的人群,登上了海塘大堤。We with the crowd, tidal bore on embankment is adopted.

施工时应加强对边坡、支撑、土堤等的检查。Strengthen on checking the slope, support, embankment etc.

坝基一定要在洪汛期到来之前加固好。The embankment must be reinforced before the flood season.

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我们加入了他们,然后一起到了那个洞口,是一个四周爬满常春藤的堤防。We join them at a manhole beneath an ivy-covered embankment.

他们拉着手在坝子上边走边说。Hand in hand, they talked while walking along the embankment.

我们筑堤抵挡大海,大海却把它们冲走。We embankment to resist the sea, yet the sea are washed away.

雨季前夕,我们要加固河坝。We should reinforce the river embankment before the wet season.

溢洪道工程可能比主坝花费更多。Spillway works may cost more than the main dam wall or embankment.

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大气降水对路堤变形特征产生重要影响。Precipitation had important impact on the deformation of embankment.

引起高填路堤破坏的原因是多方面的。There are many reasons that arouse the wreck of the high filled embankment.

橡胶板作为土石坝坝面防护具有优越性。Rubber panel as a new type of Facing is proposed for overflow embankment dam.