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同样,藤壶胶也很特别。Barnacle glue is equally special.

藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders.

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我是巴纳克。比尔。我跟泰坦尼克一起沉没。我在咸咸的天堂里升起。I'm Barnacle Bill. I sank with the Titanic. I rose in salty heaven.

无柄藤壶的壳是直接附着在底部的。The shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate.

藤壶是东海区主要的污损生物之一。Barnacle is one kind of marine fouling organism in the East China Sea.

杰夫•史迪威是佛罗里达州塔拉哈西市比尔海鲜餐厅的老板。Jeff Stilwell, owner of Barnacle Bill's restaurant in Tallahassee, Fla.

他住在都柏林的又一年,在这期间,他会见了未来的妻子,诺拉巴纳克尔。He stayed in Dublin for another year, during which time he met his future wife, Nora Barnacle.

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如果你不幸的被一只藤壶怪所捕捉,透过射击其口部去使自己回复自由。If you are unfortunate enough to get caught by a barnacle , shoot at its mouth to free yourself.

在3月19日,他返回都柏林,在那里他会见了未来的妻子,诺拉巴纳克尔,下一年。In 19 03 he returned to Dublin, where he met his future wife, Nora Barnacle , the following year.

他们发现,藤壶的蛋白质主要由被称为脯氨酸和异亮氨酸的两种氨基酸组成。The proteins of barnacle glue, they discovered, are dominated by amino acids called proline and isoleucine.

附有网纹藤壶的试样,其瞬时腐蚀率随浸海时间的延长而降低。The results also show that instantaneous corrosion rate of the samples with barnacle coverage decreases with immersion time.

达尔文就像在他之前的分类学家,只能用肉眼研究物种,观察鸟羽的颜色,或是计算藤壶片壳的数量。Like the taxonomists before him, Darwin could study species only with the naked eye, observing the color of a bird's feathers or counting the plates on a barnacle.

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对另一方而言,他成了紧紧依附在美国专利制度下的藤壶,二者接合的太紧,甚至连世界上最有权势的公司也奈何它不得。To others, he is a barnacle that has fastened itself to the underside of our patent system so tenaciously that the most powerful corporations in the world cannot pry it off.

藤壶群落的生命周期、毛茛田地的季节性形态变化或山猫家族的行为都已经是众所周知的了,但是,如果有的话,是什么原则引导了这三个群落的变化?The life cycles of barnacle communities, or the seasonal pattern of buttercup fields, or behavior of bobcat clans were all known, but what principles, if any, guided all three?