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目前我与丈夫托贝住在巴拉丁。I live in Palatine with my husband, Tobey.

口咽含有上颚扁桃腺。The oropharynx contains the palatine tonsils.

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犁骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest.

在扁桃体中发生的肿瘤主要以恶性淋巴瘤为主。The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil.

扁桃腺一词通常指口咽部两侧的颚扁桃腺。The term usually refers to the palatine tonsils on each side of the oropharynx.

所有标本在组织计量学及组织学上均有“额外”黏骨膜形成。All the specimens of expanded tissue showed the formation of extra palatine mucoperiosteal tissue.

腭部发生的良、恶性肿瘤与腭骨密切相关。Benign and malignant tumors in the palatine region has a close relationship with the palatal bone.

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患儿有腺样体,这在6个月以内的儿童是正常的,还可见到扁桃体。The patient has adenoid tissue , which should be present by 6 months of age, and also palatine tonsils.

那个Palatine的顾客在他的电脑上点击了“立刻购买”的48小时后,商品便出现在他的门前了。Forty-eight hours after the man in Palatine clicked “Buy it now!” on his computer, the item showed up at his door.

在牧神节这天,有一队称之为“牧神”的神父聚集在帕拉蒂尼山的西南坡。At the Lupercalia, a band of priests called Luperci gathered at the Lupercal on the southwestern slope of the Palatine.

特别值得一提的是四边形的软骨和上颌骨及腭嵴之间的榫槽衔接。The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention.

方法对25例口腔软组织缺损,应用以单侧腭大神经血管束为蒂的全硬腭岛状黏骨膜瓣转位修复。Methods The whole-palate flap pedicled with the unilateral greater palatine artery was used to repair 25 cases of oral soft tissue defects.

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尽管帕拉蒂尼山的许多地方是禁止游客进入而且有下陷坍塌的危险,数年来仍旧一直不断有新的发现。The Palatine Hill has been giving up new finds for years, although much of the site is off limits to visitors and under threat of subsidence.

这座拱型建筑物坐落于帕拉蒂尼山和罗马圆形竞技场中间的谷地,就在昔日凯旋队伍行经的道路旁。The arch is located in the valley of the Colosseum , between the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum , along the road taken by the triumphal processions.

它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在35年成为巴拉丁领地。It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in 35. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.

它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉丁领地。It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in 1351. Long noted for its textiles, the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution.

供应软腭的其他动脉均为直接粘膜支,包括腭小动脉、咽升动脉腭支和扁桃体动脉。The other vessels to supply the soft palate are direct mucosal branches, which include the lesser palatine artery, the palatal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery and the tonsillar artery.

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为了明确在多风沙环境下生存的双峰驼的腭扁桃体的结构特征,对阿拉善双峰驼腭扁桃体进行了解剖学及组织学观察。To elucidate the structural characteristics of palatine tonsils of bactrian camel living in sandy environment, the anatomy and histology of palatine tonsils of Alashan bactrian camels were studied.