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区别于反建议。Distinguish from a counter offer.

北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。Can you distinguish goat from sheep?

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你能分清是非吗?Can you distinguish right from wrong?

凭这点我们还说不清We can't really distinguish from this.

我来把这两种理论阐述一下。Let me just distinguish two broad types.

区分左值和右值。Distinguish between an lvalue and rvalue.

怎样区别作用范围和变体?How to distinguish coverage and variation?

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让我们把错位排列分为两种。Let us distinguish two kinds of derangements.

你能分清哪个是线团,哪个是我吗?Can you distinguish me from this caddice ball?

你能区别毒蕈和蘑菇吗?。Can you distinguish toadstools from mushrooms?

这是为了区别毛与化纤。This is to distinguish between wool and fiber.

我们应辨别是非。We should distinguish between right and wrong.

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我将我自己跟生命实存的语言区别出来。I distinguish myself from the language of being.

我们要分清楚文艺作品中香花与毒草。We must distinguish good and bad literary works.

我们应该学会分清是非。We should learn to distinguish right from wrong.

你能区别黄油和人造黄油吗?Can you distinguish between butter and margarine?

他心情太烦乱了,无法分辨善恶。He was too upset to distinguish vice from virtue.

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让我们把各种隐喻分类。Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.

唯有怀疑才能区分先知与疯子。Only doubt can distinguish prophets from maniacs.

区别现金流量表的三个部分。Distinguish between the three sections of the SCF.