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我并没有如我所愿的过着艺术的人生,但我希望拥有那样的人生。I haven’t lived my life as artfully as I might have wished. But I want to.

布什助选团巧妙地拖延,然后对辩论形式提出异议。The Bush campaign artfully dawdled, then took issue with the debate format.

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为什么每次西班牙斗牛士都要站在公牛面前挥舞他红色的披肩?What about that Spanish matador who artfully waves his red cape in front of the bull?

它用巧妙设计的不规则代替了艺术曲线,或者美妙的几何曲线。Instead of artistic curves, or grand geometry, there is an artfully designed irregularity.

但是,当你退后一步,听的组成,所有这些元素巧妙地走到了一起。But when you step back and listen to the composition, all these elements artfully come together.

香波肯定含有多种表面活性剂复合配方,以便保持适当的平衡。Shampoos usually contain a cocktail of surfactants, artfully combined to strike the right balance.

酒店景观设计作品创新性强,与当地人文巧妙的结合在了一起。Hotel landscape design works have strong sense of innovation, and artfully connects the local humanity.

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投机取巧,把显而易见、肤浅的内容换句话说,无法称得上是重要发现与或原创研究报告。Artfully restating what is obvious and shallow is not the same as critical discovery and original reporting.

宝塔的尖顶和寺庙的屋檐映衬这紫色的苍穹,绿意盎然的树丛点缀着这美丽的夜景。Against the purple dome of the sky rise the needles of the pagodas and the artfully carved roofs of the temples.

只要做得巧妙和明智,危险的生活方式会吸引才智非凡的人,促进社会进步,甚至使人们更加快乐。Done artfully and wisely, living dangerously engages our intellect, advances society, and even makes us happier.

马拉克在国会大厦中巧妙地玩了他的把戏,以此对所有古老的礼仪表示了尊敬。Mal’akh had played his cards artfully within the Capitol Building, showing obeisance to all the ancient etiquettes.

烘焙高手了解每一种咖啡豆的特色,并把它们艺术地混合起来,创造出一种期望的全新风味。The experienced roaster, with his knowledge of each bean, artfully combines them to create the desired blend of flavors.

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即使是那被看为无害的家常便饭之事,也正服务于撒旦狡诈地组织反对真理之活动的目的。Even that which passes for innocent family fare is serving the purposes of Satan's artfully structured campaign against truth.

但是Sandel提出了三宗类似的道德难题-每一个都设计巧妙,以至于抉择的难度增加。But then Sandel presents three similar moral conundrums -- each one artfully designed to make the decision increasingly complex.

整个建筑为“天圆地方”的圆顶方体基座造型,把传统文化和时代精神巧妙地融为一体。The dome-shaped building with square foundation looks magnificent artfully merging the traditional culture and contemporary style.

在阳光普照之下,屋外的李子树的枝丫和树干被微红的积雪精妙地勾勒了出来。The little plum-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed its trunk, stood in full sunlight.

队已经巧妙地经由使用漂浮搁板、一面全长的墙壁镜子和策略的不均匀保护空间和光。The team has artfully preserved space and light through the use of floating shelving, a full-length wall mirror and strategic asymmetry.

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屋外的小梅树愉快地沐浴着日光,枝杈上镶嵌着淡粉色的雪花巧妙地装点着树干。The little plum-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed along its trunk, stood in full sunlight.

你可以将这些巧妙安排的数字用模拟信号的形式来表示时间,也可以用数字信号或者两者组合的格式,另外,这款手表曲线式的指针设计也搭配得很舒服。You can configure the artfully arranged digits to show the time in analog, digital or combined formats, and the curved body fits comfortably.

除去颜色原因,很多牙医与患者确信全金合金修复体是最美观的修复体。Despite its color, many clinicians and patients believe an artfully fabricated full gold restoration can be an extremely aesthetic restoration.