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来,我来教你怎么打败你丈夫。Now, I'll show you how to trounce your husband.

可以艾伯森痛打沃尔玛先进的信息技术沃尔玛?Can Albertsons Trounce Wal-Mart with Advanced Information Technology?

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你可知道要比玩短期记忆,人会败在黑猩猩手下?Did you knowthat chimpanzees can trounce humans in short-term memory games?

他的上升凸显出高盛已能打败它的许多同行。His rise underscores how Goldman has been able to trounce many of its peers.

你的运气很好。来,我来教你怎么打败你丈夫。你听我的。You're lucky. Now, I'll show you how to trounce your husband. You take my advice.

你也许想巩固自己的某个市场领导地位,或者打败一个竞争品牌。You may want to reinforce your leadership in a market or trounce a competitive brand.

为了严厉制止挤兑现象,塞浦路斯出台了一系列限制国外花费的措施。To trounce stop bank runs, Cyprus has imposed a string of restrictions on sending money abroad.

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在0比4输给西班牙之后,乌克兰在对沙特的比赛里以相同的比分回敬了对手。Action After losing 4-0 to Spain, Ukraine bounced back to trounce Saudi Arabia by the same score.

这帮助了共和党人在最近的国会选举中战胜奥巴马的民主党。That message helped Republicans trounce President Obama's Democratic Party in recent Congressional elections.

新的探索发现会打败旧的固定思维,让我们所有人的内心更加开放,来思考做什么及怎么做对我们的孩子更好。New discoveries will trounce old ideologies and open all our minds about what to do for children and how to do it.

葡萄牙从表现欠佳的上半场回勇,以4-0痛击了比利时,卡瓦略出任中卫而费雷拉出任左卫。Portugal recover from a poor first-half to trounce Belgium 4-0 with Carvalho at centre-back and Ferreira at left-back.

我是一个早熟的年轻人,经常能打败比我更有技巧、经验更丰富的法师。I'm a precocious youth who manages to regularly trounce wizards with far more skill, experience, and emotional maturity than myself.

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如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky.

可悲的是,太多的个人投资者并没有充分利用这些优势,并没有达到其真正的潜力,以痛打市场。Sadly, too many individual investors do not fully exploit these advantages, and never reach their true potential to trounce the market.

价格上涨,股票下跌,但是给予股票充足的时间,它们将带来远高于债券,房地产,日用品或者其他任何类别资产的利润。Prices go up and they go down, but give stocks enough time and they deliver returns that trounce those of bonds, real estate, commodities or any other asset class.

萨哈尔以替补身份取得了首个国家队入球,在以色列以4-0痛击爱沙尼亚一仗中,偷袭取得比赛第三个入球和在禁区外施射打进第四球。Sahar scores his first international goals, coming off the bench as Israel trounce Estonia 4-0, poaching the third and firing home the fourth from outside the area.

但像苹果或IBM等公司,其业绩料大大超出预期.两支股票在周五均触及纪录收盘高位.如有出人意料的好消息,就可能刺激买入的动力.But companies like Apple and IBM, which hit lifetime closing highs on Friday, are expected to trounce expectations. And positive surprises could play into the buying momentum.