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又是我。Is me agin.

我们尽快再去吃一顿吧。Let's eat there agin soon.

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他会来带我这老黑奴回家的。He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.

现在,丫头,再在俺和他身上侦测邪恶。Now lass, Detect Evil on 'im an' me agin.

然而,蝙蝠侠和罗宾又一次逃脱了。However, Batman and Robin have escaped yet agin.

他有时候说要走,有时候又说要留。Sometimes he spec he'll go 'way, en den agin he spec he'll stay.

今天早上,街上安静,车辆开始恢复上街。This morning, the streets were quiet and cars began moving agin.

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再见,感谢您的光临,我们期望下次再为您服务。Good bye. Thank you for coning. We look forward to serving you agin.

今天周五,不少大学或者公园有英语角活动。Friday agin , I know there are many Enlish corners in campus or parks.

那些人又来找迩了,我说了英文但是他们罘懂。Those people eto you agin. I said English but they don't understand it.

那一些人又来找迩了,我说了英文可是她们罘懂。Those people come to you agin. I said English but they don't understand it.

我说过,这个倒霉的国家,我看得一分不值,决心一走了事,永远不再回还。Says I, for two cents I'd leave the blamed country and never come a-near it agin.

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她似乎天生就憎恨男人和卫理公会教徒。She jest seems to have been born with a sort of chronic spite agin men and Methodists.

楼主SB,又看见你在上网了。你怎么总在网上呀,你的学习任务完成了吗?SBLZ, see you in the Internet agin . how do you alway on-line , your mission to learn it?

经过一个多月的训练以及治疗,刘翔昨天又出现在媒体面前。After over one month training and treatment, Liu Xiang appeared agin infront of the media.

做祈祷!多么可爱的女人!咚一声跪下地来咒我,你这是什么意思。Saying your prayers! You're a nice woman! What do you mean by flopping yourself down and praying agin me?

但是国际米兰意大利国际后卫马特拉齐破坏了比赛,他又一次成为了头撞的受害者。But the game was marred by Inter's Italian international defender Marco Materazzi once agin being the victim of a head-butt.

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构建学习型政府着眼于公共行政管理制度的改革和创新,赋予其“学习型”的新内涵。The reform and innovation of public administration system are highlighted in such Rind of government so that "study" will agin new connotations.

通过对黑洞天体存在这一事实的分析,客观地支持并证明了我们理论分析得到的几个结论,再一次揭示了宇宙物质运动和演化的辩证规律。By the fact that black hole exists, conclusions got by us from theory are supported and are proved objectively, and agin discover dialectical laws of motion in the universe.