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不要,我不要怜悯的施舍。No, I do not need the pitying almsgiving.

火辣的红唇渴望的等待你的施舍。The fire hot red lips longing for your almsgiving.

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救济是,在某种程度上,一个宗教庆典活动。Almsgiving is, to some extent, a religious ceremony.

他们是不低于取悦上帝祈祷,斋戒和救济。They are no less pleasing to God than prayers, fasting and almsgiving.

宪法诉讼是人权司法救济的前提。Constitutional lawsuit is the prerequisite of human rights judicial almsgiving.

他们是专业的信仰,祈祷,救济,禁食,并朝圣。They are the profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving , fasting, and pilgrimage.

四旬期“施予”的举动,也就成为加深基督徒使命的工具。The Lenten practice of almsgiving thus becomes a means to deepen our Christian vocation.

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好使你的施舍隐而不露,你父在暗中看见,必要报答你。So that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

证人向上帝站在这里并排的关注穷人,反映在施舍。The witness to God stands here side by side with the concern for the poor, reflected in almsgiving.

证人向上帝站在这里并肩同关心穷人,反映在救济。The witness to God stands here side by side with the concern for the poor, reflected in almsgiving.

因此,他们也重视道德生活,并以祈祷、施舍、斋戒恭敬天主。Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

解决人权的司法救济最终性,主要应当扩展诉权的内涵和处延。The final purpose of solving judicial almsgiving is to expand the meaning and extension of the rights to litigate.

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他们对外表的仪式非常严格,在洗濯、禁食的事上很是拘泥。祷告则长篇大论,施舍作给人看。They were exact in outward ceremonies, diligent in washings, fastings, and long prayers, and ostentatious in almsgiving.

都铎济贫法的演变深受当时社会救济观念的影响,而后者又同宗教有着千丝万缕的关系。The evolvement of Tudor poor laws was affected by cotemporary almsgiving concept which had countless connection with religion.

施舍就是我们将所拥有的自由地、慷慨地与那些生活质素较我们为低的人分享。Almsgiving is about giving freely and generously of what we have and sharing with others whose quality of life may be less than our own.

明确婚生子女否认的时效限制、权利灭失,以及相应的救济措施。As for the renouncement of legitimate child, the paper defines its limitation in time, right perdition and relevant almsgiving measurements.

正当我们反醒那些问题时,我们亦应看看四旬期本身在传统上的重点,包括祈祷、禁食和施舍。While reflecting on those questions, it is equally important to pay a special attention to the traditional focuses of Lent which are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

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司法审查制度是一种救济手段,在现代社会中,它的适用范围大大扩展,这在刑事审前程序中表现得最为明朗。The judicial review system is a almsgiving measure. In the modern society, its sphere of application has been widen, which is very clear in the criminal pretrial procedure.

审判监督程序是在第一审程序和第二审程序之外而又不增加审级的一种独具特征的救济性程序。The process of civil judgment supervision is an almsgiving process which doesn't add distinction of judgment except first process of judgment and second process of judgment.

前四个构想着重于事前防范冲突的产生,最后一个构想着重于事后救济机制的完善。In which, the first four sides emphasize to prevent the conflict come into being beforehand, while the last conception emphasizes the improvement for the almsgiving system afterwards.