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Microdata——语义标记语言Microdata – semantic markup language

XML是基于文本的标记语言。XML is a text-based markup language.

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标记代码不需要翻译。Markup code should not be translated.

基于嵌套层次的缩进标记。Markup indented based on nesting level.

它还包括一个简单的、基于RDF的标记。It also includes a simple, RDF-based markup.

他购买了一幅鲁宾斯的作品,然后转手加价。He bought a Rubens and flipped it at a markup.

XML标记的简洁性是最不重要的。Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

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笔记被储存为带有维基标记的文本文件。The notes are stored as text files with wiki markup.

方法在构造自结束标记元素时使用。Method when constructing self-closing markup elements.

在.ASPX页面中,是否有方法可以注释掉标记?Is there a way to comment out markup in an . ASPX page?

给IE9发送和你给其他浏览器发送的一样的标记。Send IE9 the same markup that you give to other browsers.

这些标记语言并非完全没有语义能力。These markup languages are not semantically dead, however.

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自动拼写检查无法处理带有标记的文字。Automatic spellchecking is not possible on text with markup.

它既是一种标准通用置标语言,又是一种文本描述语言。It is both a SGML and a document descriptive markup language.

大宇目前的定价模式近似于成本加成定价法。The current pricing model of Dayu is likely cost with markup.

它是为文本文档设计的语义型的、结构化的标记语言。It is a semantic and structural markup language for text documents.

这些功能包括注释、标记语言转换等等。This includes annotation, markup language conversion, and so forth.

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在这种情况下,您可以用新的标记语言标记来增强复制的文件。In this case, you can enhance the copied files with new markup tags.

流行的超文本标记语言也正在进行大变脸。The venerable Hypertext Markup Language is getting a face lift, too.

您可能也注意到,每个扩展都使用不同的标记。And you might have noticed that every extension uses different markup.