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一个银行家的各有所得。A banker of his own.

汤姆森先生是位银行家。Mr Toms is a banker.

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请押到庄家。Put on banker please.

一个玩家兼任银行。One player doubles as banker.

弥尔顿是一位银行家的儿子。Milton was the son of a banker.

除非你是一名爱尔兰银行家。Unless you're a banker in Ireland.

没有哪个银行家比客户大牌。No banker is bigger than his client.

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银行家惊讶得打了一个寒噤。The banker gave a start of surprise.

松元刚明是银行家出身。Matsumoto is a former banker just out.

他向银行家请求贷款。He has applied to the banker for a loan.

这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。The banker absconded with embezzled funds.

那个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。The banker absconded with embezzled funds.

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你怎么样使一个中央银行家那样做呢?How can you get a central banker to do that?

亲爱的,银行家也不会向不名誉的人提供信贷。A banker can hardly afford a scandal, my dear.

你是那杀妻的银行家?。You're that smart banker that killed his wife.

他象一个投资银行家一样通过运作来实现。He did so by operating like an investment banker.

公司也同时会从银行家那得到建议The companies get advice from the banker as well.

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银行家脱下帽子,一躬到地。The banker doffed his hat and made a sweeping bow.

这位银行家为保险起见将钱塞在床下。The banker keeps the money tucked safely under his bed.

一个中央银行家走进一家匹萨店点了一份匹萨。A central banker walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza.