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在花坛中他们舞的多欢,挥洒着夏日甜味的香汗。How they dance in the parterre sweet summer sweat.

这样一来,绿色花坛就被提升至上层楼面。In this way, green parterre is elevated on the upper floors.

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中心花坛的钢结构净重达110吨,可抵御10级以上强风。The steel structure of the parterre weighs 110 tons and can resist Force-10 winds.

18世纪兴起的具有自然主义风格的英格兰花园取代了装饰精美的花坛。The naturalistic English garden of the 18th century displaced the elaborate parterre.

两座可移动的塔和两座可移动隔墙组成了场地正厅并划分出了舞台入口。Two movable towers and movable partition walls comprise the parterre and define the stage opening.

在香草和蔬菜花坛花园里的人行道,沿着凸起的钢制花盆有渗水缝。Sloped walkway with permeable joints along raised steel planters at herb and vegetable parterre garden.

因其花大,色彩丰富和花期长等特点而应用广泛,素有“花坛之王”的美誉。It is used a lot and called king of parterre because of the large, colorful flower and long bloom duration.

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中央下沉广场分为四个主题花园,包括阶梯剧场、观赏果园、绿地花坛和叠水园林。The sunk central square is divided into four themes of gardens, including theater, fruit garden, parterre and cascade garden.

下午回家路上经过国贸,随手拍下早就喜欢的花坛和里面星星点点的小花!On the way home, walked through International Trade Center, I took the pictures about the parterre and the little flowers in it!

品酒屋入口从停车场到露台甲板的人行道旁的凸起钢制花盆放置着的香草和蔬菜花坛,使游客们在行走时沐浴着芳香。Walkway from parking to patio deck at the tasting room entrance takes the visitor on a fragrant walk along the raised steel planters at the herb and vegetable parterre.