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如果你知道就到利默里克来。If you know please come up to Limerick.

或者上帝为了使你高兴而抛出一首五行打油诗。Or God will toss off a limerick for your pleasure.

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有人帮我把五行诗的空填上吗?Will someone please help me fill in the blanks in the limerick?

约瑟夫沃尔什氏工作已在亨特在Limerick博物馆展出。Joseph Walsh 's work has been exhibited in Hunt Museum in Limerick.

爱尔兰国立高威大学、林默瑞克大学等。National University of Ireland, Galway and the University of Limerick.

在利默尼里克,你只能说你爱上帝和孩子,还有赢得比赛的那些马。In Limerick you are only allowed to say you love God, and babies, and horses that win.

虽然该女子其实是死于2008年10月7日,但麦克唐纳直到日前才被利默里克市检方指控。Although the woman perished on October 7, 2008, McDonnell was just charged in Limerick.

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这种叫做五行打油诗的诗歌的名字“limerick”来源于爱尔兰的利默里克郡。Of course the poetry form called limerick takes its name from the Irish city called Limerick.

要是他在利默里克水泥厂或者兰克面粉厂找到工作,不出三周就会丢掉它。If he gets a job at the Limerick Cement Company or Ranks Flour Mills, he loses it in the third week.

利默里克小学是当地的一家公立学校,学校的图书馆书架上只有松果而没有书本。A local public school, Limerick Elementary, had pine cones instead of books on their library shelves.

上面这首五行打油诗的作者是杰西·弗兰柯维奇,选自一个名叫“五行打油诗创世英语词典”的网站。That’s by Jesse Frankovich and from a website called The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form.

我妈妈婚前的名字叫安吉拉。什罕,她在利默里克一个贫民窟里长大,和她妈妈、两个兄弟---托马斯和帕特里克---以及一个妹妹艾格尼斯住在一起。My mother, the former Angela Sheehan, grew up in a Limerick slum with her mother, two brothers, Thomas and Patrick, and a sister, Agnes.

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下午,温总理还参观了位于爱尔兰中西部利默里克郡的香农自由贸易区和利默里克大学。In the afternoon, Premier Wen visited the Shannon Free Trade Zone and the University of Limerick in Limerick County in the mid-west part of Ireland.

可以肯定,这是一种玩世不恭的思想,而是尝试灵机一动,一个全新的概念,不论是对一个企业,一个广告运动,甚至一首打油诗,您开始思考它的真实。Sure, it's kind of a cynical thought, but try and brainstorm a completely new concept, whether for a business, an advertising campaign or even a limerick , and you'll start to think it's true.

“欧洲百万大乐透”彩票由欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部利默里克附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中得,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元。The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115,436,126 euros.

“欧洲百万大乐透”彩票由欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部利默里克附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中得,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元。The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115, 436, 126 euros.