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他们的声明是彻头彻尾的废话。Their statement was a downright inanity.

十分无聊时,我就独自大笑。I laugh all alone at my complete inanity.

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这群孩子很空虚,也很无聊。These children are quite inanity and boring.

同样地,也没有人会从其他人的虚无中把你拯救出来。Likewise, nobody will be there to save you from someone else’s inanity.

每每快乐到极点,总会有更大的空虚悲伤。Often happy have bigger inanity to the pole , the general association sorrowful.

我说过,在公立选项上的争论,令人压抑在于它的无聊。The debate over the public option has, as I said, been depressing in its inanity.

象蜜蜂一样的忙碌,我从来没有感觉到厌倦和空虚。Humming like a bee around the house, I've never had the feeling of boredom and inanity.

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多问问自己是到底是因为爱而爱,还是因为空虚而爱!Ask that self is through is being apt because of being apt, to still be apt because of inanity much!

埋首追求金钱之余,牺牲了健康与家人、小孩相处,却换来了莫大的空虚。After indulging in wooing money, you sacrifice your health and get along with your family and children but have enormous inanity exchanged.

肉食者的第二个无聊论点是试图指控纯素食的生活方式,声称植物蒙受痛苦和死亡来养活世界上的纯素食主义者。The second inanity of meat-eaters is attempting to indict the vegan lifestyle by claiming that plants suffer and die to feed the vegans of the world.

异化具有深刻的人性根源和社会根源,它导致了人的精神生活的空虚和人性的枯竭。The cause of alienation contains two aspects such as human nature factor and society factor. As a matter of fact, for a man, alienation causes the spiritual inanity and dry-rot.

记住——你是自己学习计划的掌控者,所以你如果讨厌一成不变的计划,可以花一天的时间只学习一个部分来转换一下。Just remember — you are the master of your own study plan, so if you hate the inanity of the same daily routine, you can always switch things up by dedicating an entire day to just one area.

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整部作品中蕴含了深深的幻灭感,充分揭示了美国社会的黑暗、空虚的现实以及“美国梦”必然幻灭的结局。The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams".