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它激发了我的想象力,为我打开了小人国的窗口。She had stirred my imagination and opened a window on a Lilliputian world.

无情的全球健身中心队在他们侏儒领袖怀特古德曼领导下进攻。A relentless Globo Gym attack led by their Lilliputian leader, White Goodman.

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原则上,比起笨重的大机器人,具体而微的小机器人有许多优势。In principle, lilliputian robots have numerous advantages over their bulkier cousins.

在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。In the feudal society of absolutism derive the lilliputian of flatter the most easily.

但是其股价如此低靡,也同样可以解释为什麽人们厌恶于长期持有房利美的股票。But the Lilliputian price also explains why Fannie Mae might have buy-and-hold types feeling queasy.

一位尖刻的反对派政客称梅氏是“总司令普金手下的小人物”。In the words of one scathing opposition politician he was "the Lilliputian to Putin's commander-in-chief.

即使到现在,我还是希望你不要以小人之心度君子之腹。Although arrive now, I still hope you do not want the heart with Lilliputian to spend the abdomen of gentleman.

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看过这篇文章,我大受启发,原来,我们总是以小人之心在度宝宝呢!Had read this article, I suffer greatly inspire, original, we always are the heart with Lilliputian is in spend baby!

或许可说是意料之中,塞特尔在奈米领域的某些新成就探究了小人国的极限。Perhaps not surprisingly, some of Zettl's more recent achievements in the nano world seem to have plumbed the very limits of the Lilliputian.

我发誓看到了它在用小手抓糖送到口里时的放纵狂喜。I swear I caught a look of unbridled ecstasy on his furry little face as he dug his Lilliputian hands into the sugar and shoveled it into his mouth.

将来某一天,这种极微小设备可以用来追踪污染、监测建筑结构的完整性、执行监控任务,或者让几乎任何物件都变得既聪明又无所遁形。One day, the Lilliputian devices could track pollution, monitor structural integrity, perform surveillance, or make virtually any object smart and traceable.

卡德曼宅是1815年为约翰·卡德曼建造的一座小巧的建筑,深得悉尼游客的喜爱,而这也是悉尼最早的本土建筑。Cadman's Cottage, a Lilliputian building beloved of visitors to Sydney, was built for John Cadman in 1815. It is probably the oldest domestic building in Sydney.

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另外一个地标是科伊帕萨盐沼,那成千上万的巨大仙人掌让人感觉自身的渺小与无助。The only other landmark in the midst of the glaring white expanse is Uyuni's Isla de Pescadores, with thousands of giant cacti that will make you feel lilliputian.

从哥特式到未来派,这处微缩的旅游胜地拥有各式各样的建筑风格,成为在几个小时之内就能游览荷兰各处名胜的方便处所。Offering a variety of architectural styles, from Gothic to futuristic, this Lilliputian attraction is a convenient way of seeing Holland's wonders, in just a few hours.