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他八十二岁。He's eighty two.

我考了八十几分.I got an eighty something.

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共八十法郎,侦察员先生。Eighty francs, Mr. Inspector.

八十二比八十﹐人家赢了。Eighty-two to eighty – they won.

不管怎样,我算准他有八十岁。Anyway I should say he was eighty.

这支新钢笔花了我80元。This new pen costs me eighty yuan.

那柱子看起来像是约八尺高。T he tree is about eighty feet tall.

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当然。五分钟,捌角钱。Well, five minutes and eighty cents.

这只手表价值80元左右。The watch is worth about eighty yuan.

马白夫先生这时已年近八十了。Mabeuf was nearly eighty years of age.

公牛赢了,八十比七十八。The Bulls won, eighty to seventy-eight.

这人放牧八十来只羊。The man looks after about eighty sheep.

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我们花8角钱可吃上一顿不错的饭。We can get a fair meal for eighty cents.

每个复活节艾迪都吃八十个复活蛋。Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

杰西欧文斯在十九八十死于癌症。Jesse Owens died of cancer in nineteen eighty.

她八十岁了,一副牙齿仍然完好无缺。She still has a perfect set of teeth at eighty.

而以前的最高记录是五十六万人。The record is five hundred eighty -six thousand.

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排名前100的品牌中有80个在MySpace投放广告。Eighty of the top 100 brands advertise on MySpace.

看到休斯版本描写参孙的第80行。Look at the Hughes. This is line eighty of Samson.

只需一千四百八十元。Only one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.