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新闻网工作人员周毅高兴地说。Nws net functionary the cycle Yi happily say.

国家机关工作人员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。No State functionary may support or cover up unfair competition acts.

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参加公务员择优录用的考试。Take the competitive examination for the job of government functionary.

白沙洲居委会工作人员亦在现场。The white sand bank resides a Wei meet functionary as well on the spot.

酵母基微生物絮凝剂的絮凝机理主要是吸附架桥作用。So the functionary mechanism of MBF is mainly adsorption bridging action.

第一章为公务员聘任制的基本理论。The first chapters are fundamental government functionary appointment system theory.

第二章为实施公务员聘任制的原因。Second chapters are to put government functionary appointment system cause into practice.

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宦官,太监某些亚洲宫廷内,在内宫侍候。A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.

他举手向天,随后又指了指查看其农田的国家公务员。He raised his hands to the sky, then gestured toward a state functionary visiting his farm.

云南省富源县2009年公务员考试在哪里报名?Where does Yunnan Province Fu Yuan County government functionary in 2009 examination enlist?

世界中联下设秘书处,为世界中联的日常工作机构。The Secretariat, an organ operating under WFCMS, is responsible for WFCMS's functionary management.

主人公是一位英国人温斯顿史密斯,是一位小职员。The book's hero, the Englishman Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of these states.

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第五章为完善我国政府公务员聘任制的几点思考。Fifth chapters are to perfect several our country government functionary appointment system thinking.

受贿数额为请托人给国家工作人员的出资额。The amount of bribes shall be the amount of contribution made by such a person for the state functionary.

盛大有完整的职务职级体系,最高的工资给最优秀的人才。Have system of whole functionary office class grandly, top salary gives the most outstanding talented person.

2010年湖南烟草局考试的内容是和当天公务员考试的一样么?In 2010 is Hunan tobacco bureau examination content to same as government functionary examination that very day?

渎职罪主体可分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。This article classifies the subjects of malfeasance as pure government functionary and non-pure government functionary.

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司法工作人员犯前两款罪的,从重处罚。Any judicial functionary who commits a crime mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs shall be given a heavier punishment.

国家工作人员在境外的存款,应当依照国家规定申报。Any state functionary shall report to the state their bank savings in other countries according to the state”s stipulations.

行贿罪作为贿赂犯罪的一种,具有严重的社会危害性。As one great crime reasons of the social corruption, bribe crime infringes the national missionary functionary actions greatly.