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一只鸟儿被他看见了。A bird was in sight.

一见倾心。Love at first sight.

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胜利在望。Victory is in sight.

什么是常用字?What is Sight Words?

一艘船出现了。A ship hove in sight.

他是一个目光远大的人。He is a man of far sight.

他消失在视野之外。He vanished out of sight.

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我只是见面会认识他。I know him only by sight.

妥协为时不远?Is a compromise in sight?

为什么要教常用字?Why teaching Sight Words?

一辆火车蜿蜒曲折驶进视野。A train snaked into sight.

这支步枪上有一个新的瞄准器。The rifle has a new sight.

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她一看到这情况就昏过去了。She died away at the sight.

他一看到这情况就呸了一声。He pooh-poohed at the sight.

我们能将其埋葬于视野之外。We can bury it out of sight.

丰收在望。A bumper harvest is in sight.

开证行见票90天付款。Drawn on us at 90 days sight.

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他的视力已恢复。He was restored to his sight.

我看着这一切,摇了摇头。I shook my head at the sight.

我是一见钟情。I was in love at first sight.