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台语的特质是什麽呢?What is the idiosyncracy of Taigi?

讨论研究的必要性、研究现状及企业集团内在特质。On the necessity of the research, it's progress and the inherent idiosyncracy.

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人格是生物内在特质的很高呈现。Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living be.

人格是生物外在特量的最下完成。Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being.

企业文化正是决定企业特质的重要因素。Corporate culture is an important factor that decides the idiosyncracy of corporations.

陈三立的七言古体诗具有独特的审美特质,并非人们常说的散原诗歌的萧索凄寂,而是多有酣畅崛健的风格。Chen Sanli s 7-word ancient poems have a unique aesthetic idiosyncracy with a style of fluency and sturdiness.

最后对组织特质投资方法的适用性和局限性予以了总结。Finally this paper summarizes the applicability and imperfection of the organizational idiosyncracy investment methods.

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文章还对这种批评视角的当下意义进行了探讨。The article also explores the critical significance and idiosyncracy of spectral criticism, especially for the present day literary creation.

这种不断地思考怀疑、游离漂泊的精神特质,与俄国文学史上的“多余人”形象有着一定的内在相似性。This spiritual idiosyncracy of constant thinking, doubting and dissociation is, to some extent similar to the "outliers" in Russian literature history.

所有女人在工作中要像钢铁一样坚强,把自己当成男人,果断,刚毅。这就是我们工作中该呈现出的特质。So we women should be strong like iron when we work, look ourselves as men, decidedly, manfully, stouthearted The idiosyncracy we appear in the work should be like this.