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至今没有人试图暗杀我。Nobody ever tried to assassinate me.

也许他们是想行刺我。Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.

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刺客答应当夜就去行刺。Night agreed to go assassinate assassin.

白尘能否逃过暗杀?Bai Chen whether had escaped to assassinate?

有个刺杀领导人的老谋深算的密谋。There was a deep plot to assassinate the leader.

问题在于是谁雇了他们来暗杀罗森博格。The question was who had hired them to assassinate Rosenberg.

利比亚伊斯兰战斗团在1990年代三次暗杀卡扎菲。The LIFG tried to assassinate Qaddafi three times in the 1990s.

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我们现在是在中伤一个国家首脑还是美国出生的恐怖分子?And are we now going to assassinate heads of state and American-born terrorists?

他和西蒙·格雷谢德密谋暗杀了杰拉马德·格雷谢德议员。Venco conspired with Simon Greyshade to assassinate Senator Jheramahd Greyshade.

英格兰玛丽女王因预谋刺杀伊丽莎白女王一世于1587年被处死。Mary Queen of Scots was executed in 1587 for plotting to assassinate Elizabeth 1.

情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.

你要进入西南方的新阿瓦隆城镇大厅,并且暗杀市长。Make your way to the New Avalon Town Hall, southwest of here, and assassinate the mayor.

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当时有个例子,那就是有人试图在化妆舞会中暗杀瑞典国王古斯塔夫三世。Such was the case in Sweden when someone attempted to assassinate King Gustav III at a ball.

日日有人谋划暗杀我,将国家逼向动乱和恐怖。Each new day brings another plot to assassinate me and bring us closer to anarchy and terror.

高寒召集众人开会,他推断是顾一男策划了暗杀沈老爷子的行动。Alpine convened meeting, he concluded that Gu Yinan is planning to assassinate Shen's actions.

彼得承认自己就是世贤并打算再次暗杀金龙。Peter finally admits that he is Shixian and reveals that he plans to assassinate Jinlong again.

神勇智探剧情介绍在底特律的残酷大街上,一个联邦调查探员被人暗杀了。On Detroit's brutal avenue, a federation investigated the detective to assassinate by the human.

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1936年1月阿巴嘎特务机关长在任时密谋策划了暗杀尼冠洲事件。In January, 1936, he, as head of office of Abaga plotted behind the scene to assassinate Niguanzhou.

据说尼克松担任副总统时,曾策划了一桩注定失败的刺杀卡斯特罗的秘密计划。While Vice President, Nixon allegedly organized an ill-fated convert plan to assassinate Fidel Castro.

随后,杰森建议本带队刺杀科雷利亚总理杜尔·盖真。Jacen then suggested that Ben lead the mission to assassinate the Corellian Prime Minister, Dur Gejjen.