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我比较喜欢路易十七。I prefer Louis XVIII.

路易十四做了些什么事情呢What does Louis XIV do?

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我是路易斯·吉文·奥尼尔。I am Louis Jevon O'Neil.

黄泽林是上帝的一个工具。Louis Wong is a tool of God.

为国王路易十五表演。Performing for King Louis XV.

路易斯·阿姆斯特朗是哪里人Where was Louis Armstrong from?

他拿四个路易放在桌上。He laid four louis on the table.

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而她在圣路易斯又没有朋友。She had no friends in St. Louis.

是在圣路易斯照的那张吗?Is it the picture from St. Louis?

樊少皇指导演员动作。Louis Fan is teaching the actors.

那么他是先去圣。路易斯了?So he's going to St. Louis first?

到三年级,我要跑到圣路易斯。As a junior I'll run to St. Louis.

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我喜欢金庸的武侠小说。I like Kungfu novels by Louis Cha.

哦看这家伙他笑话圣路易斯么?。Oh, snap! ls he clowning St. Louis?

她放了十个路易在他手心里。And she put ten louis into his hand.

他叫路易-菲力浦·德·奥尔良。His name was Louis Philippe d'Orleans.

路易斯长成了一个美丽的姑娘。Louis blossomed into a beautiful girl.

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路易斯和我都哑口无言,呆住了。Louis and I were speechless, paralyzed.

它曾属于法国国王路易十四。It belonged to the French king Louis xiv.

泽林将会与神的仆人们见面。Louis will meet the servants of the Lord.