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作为一名法官,你应该主持公道。As a judge, you should dispense justice.

法官和法庭公正执法。Judges and law courts dispense justice justly.

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药剂师必须极其小心地配制药品。Druggists must dispense medicines with the greatest care.

配给坩埚等待从应用点发出的请求。The Dispense Pot waits the demand signal from the P. O. U.

摇匀后倒在掌心,然后涂抹于湿润的脸部肌肤,轻揉按摩。Dispense into palm and massage gently onto wet face to apply.

今天天气非常暖和,我不穿皮茄克也行。It' s so warm today that I can dispense with my leather jacket.

赐给我们以人生的奢侈品吧,我们将会扔掉一切必需品的。Give us the luxuries of life and we will dispense with necessaries.

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知、仁、勇三者,天下之达德也,所以行之者一也。In order to know men, he may not dispense with a knowledge of Heaven.

是的,我们必须将风险控制到最低,但我们不能放弃创新。Yes, we need to minimize risk, but we can’t dispense with innovation.

有些国外银行像花旗银行和汇丰银行的柜员机可以提取较多的现金。Foreign banks like Citibank and HSBC have machines that dispense more.

免电风球、工程实际安装等。Dispense with electricity wind ball , actual installation of project etc.

他的工作是在安培斯文尼当地的医院分发抗病毒药物。His job is just to dispense ARV drugs from the local Empilisweni hospital.

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介绍了爆炸型集束弹头抛撒机构的工作原理。The work principle of explosive cluster warhead dispense device is presented.

事实说明,拉塞尔·桑兹并非是唯一一个透露丹尼斯的原则的海龟。It turns out that Russell Sands was not the only Turtle to dispense Dennis's rules.

还有一些自动咖啡机甚至会自动起泡沫并分配牛奶。Some Super Automatic Espresso Machines will even froth and dispense milk automatically.

自动售货机可以开启、收取钱币、分发产品和找零钱。A vending machine can be turned on, collect money, dispense a product, and return change.

比如一些医院已经开始采用机器人来分发药物。For example, some hospitals have turned to "robotic pharmacies" to help dispense medication.

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将现有单开道岔改装为对称道岔可免除特殊设计及制作工作,方便施工。Refitting available single switch to symmetric one can dispense with design and making work.

公民,我没有别的愿望,只想去巴黎,护送倒可不必。Citizen, I desire nothing more than to get to Paris, though I could dispense with the escort.

我们将免除的,而是集中点的模式,我想出了。We will dispense with that, and instead concentrate on the Points pattern that I came up with.