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连加恩的文章没有被忽视。Luc's articles did not go unread.

你的书架上放满了没有碰过的书吗?Do you have shelves full of unread books?

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返回的内容中包含已读和未读的文章。The returned feed contains both read and unread items.

刚一开始,我的邮箱上有1200多封未读的邮件。When I started I had over 1200 unread non-spam emails.

就不会有背叛,不会有未曾拆封的信被退回来then there will be no betrayals, no letters returned unread

支持用户自定义的新未读消息弹出提示。Supported user-defined unread notification of automatic protection.

支持用户自定义的新未读消息弹出提示。Supported user-defined unread notification of automatical protection.

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这个是将你收件箱中所有未读邮件列出的搜索参数。That should show only unread messages that are currently in your inbox.

对于像未读邮件之类的常规通知应该使用重叠的任务栏图标。For normal notifications like unread email, taskbar icon overlays should be used.

然而,跟踪已读和未读文档会对应用程序的性能产生影响。However, tracking read and unread documents has an impact on application performance.

将目前信件往下捲,若到了底部,则跳到下一封未读信件。Scroll down current message. If at end of current message, go to next unread message.

在收集到新的事件数据时,与最近的未读事件数据进行比较。When new event data is collected, it is compared to the most recent unread event data.

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一旦书本打开,便电话不接,电视不看,报纸不读。Once the books are open, phone calls go unanswered, TV unwatched and newspapers unread.

或者你仅仅只是让那些未读邮件堆积在收件箱里,等着有时间再去处理?Or do you have emails piled up and unread that you’re hoping you’ll get time to get to?

当你有未读通知时,几乎所有的安卓系统收集都会有LED灯闪烁。On nearly all Android phones, there’s an LED that blinks when you have unread notifications.

阅读历史在各台计算机中保持持久状态,确保您只查看未读过的内容。Reading history stays persistent across computers, ensuring that you only view unread content.

所以在你收件箱内留着但已经超过一个星期了还未阅读的电子邮件,将它移除你的收件箱。Any email that stays in your inbox unread for more than one week, archive it out of your inbox.

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无数业务文档隐藏在文件系统的角落中,已有十年或更久的时间未被阅读。Numerous business documents have languished unread in file systems for the last decade or more.

有几十封未读信件,他迅速浏览了一下所有邮件,可是没有发现蓝汉之发给他的邮件。There were dozens of unread mails, and he glanced over all, but found not the mail from Lanhanzhi.

公爵写了两三封信给她,她认出是公爵的笔迹,连看也不看就把信交给了我。The Duke wrote to her two or three times. She recognized his writing and gave me his letters unread.