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这本书要重排铅字。The rearrangement type is wanted to this book.

我只是整理了一下,有什么问题?And I also did a little bit of rearrangement. Yes?

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本文综述了烷氧基重排反应。Rearrangement reactions of alkoxy groups are reviewed.

在其他地方,图书业也在继续调整和改变。Elsewhere, the rearrangement of the book trade continues apace.

这表明重排反应是立体专一性的。This indicates that the rearrangement reaction is stereospecific.

建筑室内进行重组,提供了广泛的工作设置。The interior rearrangement offers a wide variety of work settings.

但是我请求若有更便宜的房间,请贵酒店预订员为我重新安排。I accepted but asked to make rearrangement for me if there was any cheaper room.

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许多字处理程序具有拖放编辑功能,从而加快了文本的重新编排。Many word processing programs feature drag-and-drop editing, which speeds rearrangement of text.

中国社会最显著的变革是社会等级的重新调整。The most conspicuous change in Chinese society has been the rearrangement in the social classes.

因此需要进一步研究才能克服说明所有带有MLL重排的细胞都抵抗TRAIL。Thus, further exploration is necessary to overcome the TRAIL-resistance of ALL with MLL rearrangement.

矮秆波兰小麦具有基本的AB染色体组,在染色体结构上存在一定程度的重排。Dwarfing polish wheat had the basic genome of AB, but has some rearrangement in its chromosome structure.

而且利用这个重排反应为光学纯度叔亮氨酸的制备提供新的方法。Moreover, this rearrangement reaction provided a new way of preparing enantiomerically pure tert-Leucine.

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磁场线的突然重新排列被证明是事情的关键,这是一种称为「重连」的现象。The key turns out to be a sudden rearrangement of magnetic field lines, a phenomenon called reconnection.

多体相对论位势是多体B-S方程的不可约序列的确定重排列。The relativistic potential is a certain rearrangement of the irreducible series of many-body B-S equation.

明确地提出了城市土地整理规划的目标及其确定目标的原则。The target and its confirmable principle of urban land rearrangement planning were put forward definitely.

证实了时效引起的磁导率衰减是可逆的结构重排过程。It is proved that the permeability reduction caused by ageing is the rearrangement of reversible structure.

对于使用混合内容的文档,这会显著改变内容的布局。For a document such as this one, which uses mixed content, this is a significant rearrangement of the content.

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这些损失是联系在一起的磁域的核心在每半母。These losses are associated with the rearrangement of the magnetic domains in the core during each half -cycle.

对精细有机合成反应中常见的一些分子重排反应,进行分析归纳。On common molecular rearrangement reactions in fine organic synthesis reaction. Made analyses and induce to them.

对抗癌基因的研究,将为癌症的预防和治疗提供重要的依据。The cancer-resistant of the mutation, change of place, and rearrangement genes can become cancer infection genes.