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伊娃演奏过的泛音列Eva played this overtone series.

这个单词有点贬义。The word has a pejorative overtone.

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你是自己的上帝,自己的星宿,命运的回音。Yourself your god, your star, Fate's overtone.

这就是所谓的自然泛音系列。This is called the Natural Harmonic Overtone Series.

据说这根弦是在它的第一泛音调式振动。The string is said to be vibrating in its first overtone mode.

这根弦可说成是在它的第一泛音调式振动。The string is said to be vibrating in its first overtone mode.

我们已经探讨过查拉图斯特拉的泛音列We've been talking about this overtone series with zarathustra.

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他客气的话语中实际有愤怒之声。His words were polite but there was an overtone of anger in his voice.

发电机的谐波组开路或短路,无三次谐波电压输出,检查绕组接头或拆换绕组。If no triple overtone voltage, check the winding lug or replace with another winding.

弦外之音的意思指的是除了原本字面上的意义外,还有其他的暗示。Overtone means something suggested or implied in addition to what is actually stated.

设拉子使其拥有与众不同的辛辣口感,与此同时,橡木赋予其柔顺的香草气息。The Shiraz adds a distinctive spicy overtone and the oak provides subtle vanillin characters.

当然,我们都认同类似的课题不该被政治化,或被套上种族色彩。Of course we all agreed that issue like this should not be politicized or assume a racial overtone.

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它也可以改善交替的声音质量的根本利益和泛音的关系。It can also improve the quality of voices by alternating their fundamental and overtone relationships.

弦乐器琴弦的振动中包含基频与泛频,在一定位置上可抑制掉某些频率,便会出现演艺界定义的“泛音”效果。Base band and overtone will be generated at the same time when the string of stringed instrument oscillate.

思考现代音乐带来的问题。歌词含有宣扬毒品,性和暴力的强烈暗示。Consider the problems with modern music. There is a strong overtone of lyrics that celebrate drugs, sex, and violence.

将外界扰动载荷假定为谐波形式,建立了矿柱岩爆的双尖点突变模型。The outside perturbation load hypothesis is the overtone form, which has established the catastrophe model of double cusp.

对声音进行数学分析,并随时间动态变化,将其减少至一系列泛音成分。The sound is mathematically analysed and is reduced to its various overtone components in their dynamic evolution over time.

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我的生活是我的工作和我的工作是我的生活暗示一种额外的高奉献,有牺牲和无私的含义。My life is my work and my work is my life implies an extremely high level of devotion. There is an overtone of sacrifice and selflessness.

“服务式公寓”不能带来情感上的共鸣,这种只能给人带来实用性的联想的词语使得我们的市场人员退缩不前。The word "hotel" still carries a romantic overtone. "Service apartment" invoke no emotional feeling. It is a utilitarian term, against which we marketers recoil.

优美的曲线天花从天空至地面一起呵成,形成大气的空间尺度。黑白灰的整体色调配合红色的墙面,起到画龙点睛的效果。Finely-designed curved ceiling helps to make a wide space in the terminal. Red wall goes together harmoniously with the general overtone of black, white and grey.