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每两年度对它们进行一次审批。They have always been approved for every biennium.

我们满怀信心、希望和达观的心情展望新的两年期。We can look ahead into the new biennium with confidence, hope and resilience.

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东部华盛顿大学的官员开始设想他们将在未来两年里可能会面临怎样的预算削减。Eastern officials are starting to speculate about what cuts they may face in the next biennium.

其中,浙商银行两年期美元存款利率最高,达到了3.5%。Among them, Zhejiang dollars for the biennium bank deposit rates the highest, reaching 3.5 percent.

重新调配职位和重新设立职位相当于下一个两年期净增一个职位。The redeployment and establishment of posts results in a net increase of one post over the next biennium.

晨星日前公布了最新的两年期五星级基金评级,有19只开放式基金获此殊荣。Morningstar has announced the latest fund a five-star rating for the biennium , there are 19 open-end funds to be so honored.

这比目前在本两年期定期存款的收益回报率是远远高于债券收益率都较高很高。This rate of return than the current fixed deposit receipts in the current biennium is much higher than all bond yields are high.

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所提供的资料应该能使缔约方找出资助两年期预算外活动的所需要的资源。The information provided should enable Parties to identify the resources required to fund extrabudgetary activities for the biennium.

这就是2008-2013中期战略性计划草案,该草案包括2008-2009双年度规划预算方案。This is the draft medium-term strategic plan for 2008 to 2013, which includes the proposed programme budget for the 2008 to 2009 biennium.

除兴业全球视野外,兴业旗下还有兴业趋势也被评为两年期五星级基金。In addition to Societe Generale global perspective, there's Societe Generale Societe Generale trend has been rated as five-star fund for the biennium.

但是未来两年的前景有些不同,我们决定在精简预算的状况下保持我们在过去所取得的进步。The outlook for the next biennium is different, and we are determined to preserve the progress we have made as we enter leaner times, " Emmert wrote."

与过去相比,新一个双年度的计划框架会有所改进,本组织采纳的注重成果的方式会得到加强。The planning framework for the new biennium is an improvement over past years, as it reinforces the results-based approach this Organization has taken.

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世界卫生大会的主要任务是批准世界卫生组织的规划和随后两年一度的预算并就重大政策问题做出决定。The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions.

缔约方会议第四届会议回顾了当前和以前工作计划的执行情况,并通过了2012-2013双年度工作计划和预算。At its fourth session, the COP reviewed the performance of the current and previous workplans and adopted the workplan and the budget for the biennium 2012–2013.

挪威中央银行也发表声明说,将向挪威较小规模的银行提供两年期流动资金贷款,以确保其正常运作。Norway central bank also said in a statement that Norway will be smaller banks to provide working capital loans for the biennium to ensure that they function properly.

关于渐进发展国际智慧财产权法的新途径问题,世界智慧财产权组织系以其1998-99两年期计划和预算来落实。The question of new approaches to the progressive development of international intellectual property law was implemented by WIPO pursuant to the WIPO Program and Budget for the biennium 1998-99.