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我对她只有模糊的印象。I only have indistinct memory of her.

被盖处细胞层次不明显。The cell layers in tegmentum were indistinct.

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我对父亲只有模糊的印象。I have only an indistinct memory of my father.

我和她的关系很微缈。She and my relationship is very low indistinct.

这样的人浑身散发着间接的愤怒和憎恶。Such people exude an indistinct anger and hatred.

左肾和腰肌阴影可模糊不清。The left kidney and psoas shadows may be indistinct.

她腿上放的两封信的白色已变得模糊难辨了。The white of two letters in her lap grew indistinct.

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她膝上两封白色的信也变得模糊起来。The white of two letters in her lap grew indistinct.

光线消失了,一切又变得模糊不清。The light vanished, and all became indistinct once more.

由于大气干扰,无线电节目听不清楚。The radio program was indistinct because of the atmospherics.

我对于周围所发生的事只模模糊糊地知道一些。I had only an indistinct understanding of what was passing around me.

相对地,冥卫一表面的反射性就低很多,斑纹也不显著。In contrast, Charon 's surface is far less reflective, with indistinct markings.

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在FLAIR图像所见的高信号边界很可能是由于周围水肿。The indistinct hyperintense margins on FLAIR are likely due to surrounding edema.

注意蜂蜡上的标志,挑出错误和不清楚的。Pay attention to the marks of the bee wax and pick out the wrong or indistinct ones.

其实,炮艇里的人影在电影里模糊不清、难以辨认。In reality, the figures inside the gunship are indistinct and anonymous in the movie.

城堡里藏着寂寞,寂寞在唱歌。旋律很熟悉,歌词很模糊。Loneliness, hiding in the castle, is singing with familiar melody and indistinct lyrics.

他只要发现了陆地,不管多么模糊不请,那儿就准有陆地。If he had discovered land, however indistinct it might appear, land was sure to be there.

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他创造性的利用了循复的音律使他的诗作中产生出一种具有魄力的模糊性质。His creativity uses a repetitive rythem and that makes a very powerful indistinct character.

幢幢高楼,茫茫人海,哪里是我的栖身之地?Flickering high- rise, boundless and indistinct sea of faces, where be the ground of my stay?

染色体上有一个微小而模糊的C带,而W染色体大部分染色质被深染。The Z chromosome has a small, indistinct C-band, while the W chromosome is almost C-positive.