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我认为它无足轻重。I esteem it worthless.

我该怎样尊敬他们?I am to esteem them how?

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我该怎样尊敬他们?How am I supposed esteem them?

我认为他不值得我尊敬。I adjudge him unworthy of esteem.

尊敬只给予值得尊重的人。Respect is given where esteem is due.

用假名声去中伤造化的真誉。Slandering creation with a false esteem.

我送你这件礼物以表敬意。I send you this gift as a mark of esteem.

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想要为您的自尊心加加油了吧。So you want to supercharge your self esteem.

壆习尊重他人的俬人空间。Learn to esteem other people's personal space.

我能访问你们的大学,感到十分荣幸。I esteem it an honour to visit your university.

他们没有自尊或者类似方面的问题。They don't have esteem issues, anything like that.

奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意。Please accept this little gift as my esteem for you.

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那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.

长汀的和田镇有一条古色古香的客家宗祠街。Hakka clan of the esteem by which Street play most vividly.

塑性或减肥计划有助于提高你的自尊。Fitness or weight loss pro grams will help your self esteem.

趋势三,简成饥饿,自尊心非常简短的风格。Trend three, hunger into Jane, esteem extremely brief style.

爱因斯坦的相对论赢得了全世界对他的崇敬。Einstein's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem.

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我还不知道怎么好把器重和喜爱分离开呢。I have never yet known what it was to separate esteem and love.

老工人和劳动模范深受尊敬。The veteran workers and model workers are held in great esteem.

但是别人对他的器重,却实在是一种责备。but as for the esteem of the others, it is a reproach in itself.