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这顶帽子边很宽。This hat has a broad brim.

玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了。The glass is full to the brim.

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奈提莉的眼里溢满泪水。Neytiri's eyes brim with tears.

玻璃杯中的液体已满到要溢出来了。The glass was full to the brim.

宽阔的帽檐遮住了他的脸。The wide hat's brim hid his face.

茶杯满到杯子边了。The tea cup was filled to the brim.

他们就倒满了,直到缸口。And they filled them up to the brim.

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脚指头边缘长脓疱怎样解决?。Is toe brim long pustular how to solve?

带着杯沿哔哔啵啵的珠状泡沫With beaded bubbles winking at the brim

萨拉戴了顶宽帽缘的草帽。Sarah wore a straw hat with a wide brim.

他盛了满满一碗米饭。He filled the bowl to the brim with rice.

有一个灵活的宽边的软毡帽。A soft felt hat with a wide flexible brim.

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她充满了少女的喜悦。She was filled to the brim with girlish glee.

雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.

我从绿色布满青苔的井沿将它接住。How sweet from the green, mossy brim to receive it.

不要把边缘卷起来,这样会更加突出你的耳朵。Do not roll the brim as this will highlight the ears.

泪水夺眶而出,长泪落在了我的脸面。Tears brim over with tears, tears falling on my face.

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花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.

他们发现该边缘部门比其他部门更毛糙。They discover this brim part is coarser than other part.

李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums.